Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

He doesn't seem to be itching them. They seem like scabs. He has lots of hair and you can't see them until you move his hair. Maybe he has dry skin? I don't think they are
flea bites or anything like that they are kind of big maybe quarter to a dime in size....They have been there for a while. Please help?

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Hi Taylor,

Camus is having some skin problems too, which I think is due to allergies and to the fact that he is oblivious to pain when he plays. I am giving him Benadryl 3 times a day, which seems to help. However, I had a dog whose skin problems required cortisone shots. He would develop sores that got crusty and spread rapidly, so I learned to jump on it at first sight. I do tend to be a worry-wart, but I would call the vet. Good luck..
ya, I think we are going to take him to the vet today. Thanks:)
Taylor what did the vet say? Clancy had something similar on his tummy and it originated as allergy and became an infection. He received a cortizone shot and oral antibiotic. He didn't seem to bite and scratch too much, but he must have when I wasn't looking because it was severe enough that just putting an ointment wasn't going to be sufficient according to the vet.
We didn't actually go to the vet today. We didn't get a chance but my Dad said that since Huff needs his vaccinations renewed, we will do both on the same day. I think the vaccination day is Thursday. He doesn't really seem to be bothered by these spots so I figured It was fine but I do want to get him to the vet soon. I love my doodle.:) If you guys want me to take pictures of them I could, maybe that is a little tmi? Thanks for all your help though. If you have any more ideas as to what this could be, please keep them coming. I think it might be a staph infection? What do you think?
Butter had few of them. They were about the size of quarter, dry, and scabbed looking, did not seem to itch. I thought it had something to do with Frontline application, so I stop putting that on him. The scabbs eventually went away on its own, but I don't know if that is because I stop putting Frontline on him, or it just went away just because.....
Taylor, I do think it is a staph infection. Clancy's was. His red bumps were not as large as you describe Huff's. I am sure when you go on Thursday, the vet will give him just the right medicine and he will heal quickly.
Ya, they weren't too big at first but I think they got bigger. First they kind of looked like pimples, now they looked like scabs. Ya, I think so. By the way, do you know what the side effects of the medicine that they give for a staph infection? I am kind of vomit-a-phobic so I am hoping that that is not one of the side effects. haha:) I do really want him to heal though. So, if that is one of the side effects, I will put on a brave face and tough it out with him. Although he will be doing most of the suffering if not all.
Whenever I have given antibiotics to my dogs, it has been pretty easy. Sometimes I just give a few treats one after the other and slip the pill in the middle and then quickly more treats. Usually I put peanut butter or cheese spread on the pill. Sometimes the pill has a flavoring and the dogs just think it is a treat. We haven't ever had any side effects from medicines - lucky for us perhaps.
Ya, I remember when Huff was a puppy and we had him neutered. He got sick and we had to take him to an emergency vet and I think that they might have given him antibiotics and he was fine. Have you ever had to sedate a dog?
Over the years one dog or another have had things that required sedation. Ned had severe ear and throat infection from foxtails when we got him. Tout. Our Springer had fatty tumors removed and also surgery for a torn CCL. We have also sedated our dogs when they needed x-rays.
It is sad to see them when they have been sedated, isn't it? After Huff was neutered when he was a puppy, he had to be sedated at home because he wanted to play but he wasn't supposed to. The prescription was two pills but we gave him one and a half and after he woke up, he couldn't walk.:( It was so sad. We never sedated him again.
I thought you meant for the surgeries. The only time we have given that type of med. was when Gordie had his CCL surgery. He was so good that we didn't give them to him past the first day or so, but now I am thinking he was in a lot of pain to be so quiet.



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