Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Well, finally got to talk with the Vet this afternoon.  Sophie had another overnight accident on Sunday night.  First one since she went on the meds almost 2 weeks ago.  She has also started to have some issues with her rear legs.  Seems to have a little trouble getting up.  Also a little shaky.  She is also just sort of in a daze, and it is difficult to get her to eat.   We are going to discontinue the current meds and she is going to the Vet tomorrow to spend the day so they can do some blood work and depending on the outcome of that they will decide the next steps.  The Vet is concerned with the rear leg issues and wants to do the tests for Addisons because should that be the case she doesn't want her getting into an Addisons crisis.  So, that will be the next thing she looks at.  Cushings is also a possibility and the Diabetes Insipidus is still on the table as well.  It is also possible that many of the current symptoms have been caused by the meds that she was on for the Inflammatory Bladder Disease.  So, just say a little prayer for her along with all the others on the prayers lists tonight that it is only the drugs causing these latest symptoms.

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Oh I'm so sorry about Sophie!  Praying for her to get well soon!  Please keep us updated 

Do you have any news on Sophie? Is she getting any better? I so hope she has shown some improvement!

Still don't have that last test back.  I thought for sure we would get it on Friday but waiting all day and nothing.  I think that tomorrow I may have to go camp out at the Vets office.  With each passing day I become more and more frustrated.  The biggest challenge right now is just trying to get her to eat.  I went to PetPeople today and they have given me a whole bag full of samples to try.  It seems when I offer her something new that occasionally she will try it and then never want it again.  After not eating for 3 days she finally ate some hamburger 2 days ago, but now won't touch it.  I hope that tomorrow I'll be able to make some sort of an update.  Again, thank you all so much for thinking of us, we really appreciate it.

Still hoping for poor Sophie to feel better.

You will think I am nuts--but my breeder recommends tripe--you can get it from the butchers sometimes--it smells terrible to us but is loaded with nutrients and dogs tend to LOVE it.

I'll send DH to the store today to see if they have any.  Thanks for the tip!

 For Sophie !

Franciscan Prayer For a  Sick Animal
Heavenly Father, You  created all things for your glory, and made us stewards of this creature.
Please let it be your will, and restore Sophie to health  and strength.
Blessed are you, and holy is your name for ever and ever.
What a beautiful prayer! Thanks for sharing.

Oh Sherri....I am SO praying tonight for your girl and for you.  I only with I could give you a hug.  Please know how much I care.



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