Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
For about the last day Luna has been scratching herself ALL over. Excessive grooming of her paws, scratching her face and body etc. Her eyes have also been watering more than usual.
Since Ragweed season just started, I figured that was the problem (since I have ragweed allergies and they've been bad the last few days). I gave her a Reactine yesterday and this morning hoping it would help, but she's still scratching. Last year at her checkup the vet had said reactine was fine 1/day for her size if we suspect she has seasonal allergies.
She was scratching SO much last night that she was keeping us awake - my husband actually bathed her at 4 AM hoping it would give her some relief.
She hasn't eaten anything unusual, she has no skin symptoms (that I can find anyway) other than a bit of redness, probably from all the scratching.
Do you think this is a cause for a vet visit or is it probably just seasonal allergies gone crazy?
New symptom... small hive-like bumps on her tummy and a few places on her body. She's also rolling around on the floor in discomfort on occasion.
Hives are usually an immediate reaction... why now? WTD?
Also - if I run my fingers along her skin... she tenses her skin muscles (in a reflexive way). It's really weird.
Maybe a vet visit is in order after all. Hopefully they can fit us in tomorrow when they have evening appointments.
Okay, so Reactine (20 mg/day) isn't working and Claritin didn't do any better (15 mg/day). I want to try Bendaryl, because Luna's scratching is getting to the point where she is damaging herself (little scratches caused by her claws, spots on her face losing hair due to rubbing). I have read a few different sources that say 1 mg/lb every ~8 hours. I want to call the vet to confirm, but I thought I'd ask here too.
Does anyone know the safe recommended Benadryl dosage for dogs?
Wow, that sure sounds like an allergic reaction. I'm not sure if it's normal for something like ragweed allergy to pop up suddenly like that rather than gradually. Of course karen will know. I hope Luna isn't showing signs of AD. Maybe she rolled in something or like Suart, got stung by a bee?
Feel better soon sweet Luna!
She had some itchyness last year (around this time), so that's why I'm thinking it might be that. I haven't been able to find a bee sting or any red marks, but if it was a wasp there wouldn't be much.
The good news is she isn't panting excessively and doesn't have a puffy face, so I don't think it's a violent reaction that requires an emergency vet visit.
If it's ragweed you'll need to wipe her down, especially her paws everytime she comes inside to get the pollen off. and if it keeps up watch that she doesn't give herself bacterial or yeast infections in her paws. When Winston starts to get a flare up (like now) I clean his feet often, use an anti-yeast spray and I put socks on his paws to keep them dry and prevent him from doing further damange.
Good luck. I hope it's nothing serious!
There's no doubt in my mind that it's ragweed allergies. That's JD's absolute worst allergen, and the one that causes him to flare badly every year at this time, even though we have his other allergies under control the rest of the year, and he tested positive for 15 different things.
If you aren't giving her evening primrose oil capsules or fish oil, start now. I have no idea what Reactine is, we use Claritin and that's been helpful with other dogs who have seasonal allergies, although Zyrtec works better for others.
As Sherri said, wipe her down every time she comes in from outdoors, especially her paws and face. Brush her often. Wash her food & water bowls daily. Wash her bedding, keep the areas where she sleeps as clear of dust and pollen as possible.
This is really a pain, but I have to run the A/C and keep the windows closed during ragweed season. We also try to limit the amount of time JD spends outdoors when the pollen count is high.
Frequent bathing helps, need a good shampoo formulated for allergies or skin problems. I use Douxo Calm. You must leave the lather on them for at least 10 minutes before rinsing, and then let them air dry or use a cool dryer or air dry only. No hot dryers and no "finishing" products, cream rinses, etc.
Pick up an OTC cortisone spray at most any pet supply store and use that on her paws & body (not the face) if she is really working on them.
If there's hair loss or rawness on her paws or elsewhere from licking, scratching and rubbing, she should probably see the vet, as the next step is hot spots. Check her groin and axilla for skin rashes, rawness or scabbing, those are the areas I always miss with JD. If the fur between her pads is dark red or looks stained, that's another sign. If she causes herself an infection, she'll need antibiotics. The vet may want to prescribe steroids to get her through this, and if she's miserable enough, that's about all you can do.
Well, there is the possibility of allergy desensitization shots if it get's bad enough. I have been getting them for the last 2 years and they have helped tremendously.
LOL, oh yes, as you know, JD has been getting them for more than 3 years, and they've been a lifesaver for him. But I meant that in the short term, to stop the really severe itching, the steroids are all you can do. The shots require allergy testing and then a month-long induction phase, at least for dogs, and the effects are usually not seen for at least 6 months.
It does take time. I think I went weekly for 6 months but I'm going monthly now.
Thanks for the advice everyone!
Reactine is an allergy medication - I use it all the time for my seasonal allergies.
I'll put a cloth by the door to the back yard and wipe her down every time she comes in. Poor little Luna is itching and grooming incessantly at random spots on her body. I haven't tried claritin or zyrtec for her or EPO - I will pick some up later today or tomorrow.. hopefully it will help!
Okay I bought her some EPO - going to try reactine 2x a day + epo (2 tablets) 2x a day for a few days. Hopefully it'll reduce her itching, she's absolutely miserable (and so are we, she's keeping us up with her scratching!)
Reactine is Canada's Zyrtec (Cetirizine).
I don't know if we have a Steroid Spray in Canada- I looked around for Chester. I am going to stock up on my next US shopping trip.
Look for "anti-itch" sprays in the pet supply stores. Relief spray is one that is non-steroidal but does gives temporary relief, you can order it on-line.
I'll see if I can find some anti-itch spray in our local pet store on the way home from work. They carry all sorts of good stuff (good food etc.) so they might have it too. We got lucky with such a good little store close to home.
Luna's ears are all red from shaking her head all the time :( They smell fine and are nice and clean, but I'm sure they're itchy so she's been bugging them. Thankfully she seems to be "spreading the love" as far as scratching is concerned so she doesn't have any skin irritation other than the ears.
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