Recently I have received a lot of emails and have heard others mention that they are using natural pheromone scents in dogs with anxious behaviors. Here is just a little information, some references
AND would love some feedback from those of you who have tried these products. What are pheromone scents?
Pheromones released by the mother during lactation give puppies a sense of well-being and reassurance, known as appeasing pheromones. Also known as appeasing hormones.
How are they being used:Pheromone Scents are being used to help with some behavior problems such as noise phobias, separation anxiety, territorial behaviors, new people or
pets, car travel anxiety, and anytime there are "unpredictable" events.
Pheromone products claim to be natural and a Drug Free alternative for panic attacks in dogs.
( please read about the particular product you buy )
- DAP® Dog Appeasing Pheromone from Ceva Sante Animale
- Comfort Zone® from Veterinary Product Labs
(any other products out there I have not found--please list )DAP diffusers --The plug-in DAP diffuser releases apaisine continuously. Each plug-in diffuser is believed to have the capability to infuse apaisine into a
650-square-foot area and can even last to as long as 4 weeks
DAP CollarPlastic collars are worn by the dog and last up to 4 weeks
Pheromone Sprays Pheromone Plug InsA few Helpful links--and there are many more! are pheromones and how do they work in animals ( a good explanation here )