I'm guessing the fall romp is off? Maybe send a message out to the Midwest Doods? I know there are more from here than are in the group. What do you think girls?
that would be great - but now one of my daughters is telling me that the equivalent of our swine flu is hitting dogs - it acts like kennel cough but turns deadly, and they are saying to keep your dogs home - away from parks and public places to protect them from getting this. I have been meaning to check this out on the web to see if there is any of this info there, or what areas of the country it is hitting. I will keep you posted.
Ok, so I did some checking and there IS an equivalent of swine flu for dogs, but it isn't deadly unless they end up with pneumonia and such (like the H1N1 for people) and I couldn't find if it was affecting dogs here in Minnesota. I think I'm going to keep Abby away from dog parks and such for now. We don't need anymore vet bills ...we have Abby and 2 kitties that see their vet regularly. (Last week Lane was diagnosed with the H1N1 herself. It hasn't been a very fun MEA weekend for her.) I have never had a dog get sick with a cough - ever. But then Abby is the first dog we have had that I have brought to a dog park.
We're gonna have to hang this idea up until spring I think. I can't have Sophie getting sick- I just paid some vet bills for her Lymes she had this spring! Let me know if everyone is ok with that? We could get together w/o out the dogs- but that wouldn't be as much fun.