I have a 7 month old, 9lb, male maltipoo named Sherlock who LOVES dogs. I have fostered rescue dogs and my dog enjoyed having another dog around. However they were all older and didn't like puppy antics, so they never played with him and would on occasion snap at him to let him know this. When I go to the dog park, my puppy plays for HOURS with other puppies and he loves going to daycare. He plays equally well with both males and females and has a preference towards other poo-mixes and dachshunds. He seems to really like golden retrievers as well, but he's so much smaller than him that they never pay attention to him.
I have never lived in a multi-dog house, but I'm expecting a male mini goldendoodle (parents are 14lbs and 17lbs) in three weeks. I am so excited to have two puppies at once. My maltipoo is still young and playful, and I think 7 months is a great time to introduce another dog. He's housetrained, decently obedient (obeys commands in the dog park while other dogs are playing all around him), and still puppy enough to really appreciate another puppy companion.
Has anyone else ever had two young dogs at once? I heard that taking litter mates is a bad idea because they'll bond closer to each other than to you. So I decided to wait until Sherlock was a bit older, but still under 1 year old, to get another dog. What is the best way to introduce my 7 month old to my new puppy?
Another quick question, is it best to train the dogs right away to walk on the leash couplers? Do those even work?