Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

So I've never been so confused before in my life! I am putting in a fence for Brody on our property, but I don't know if I should go with a white PVC picket fence or should I go with a Black Aluminum fence? It will be 4' high, so that's not a problem.. It's a matter of deciding! Both would look good with our home, and we do have a country theme on the inside as well as rouht-iron.. I just don't know!

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I had no idea.. Thank you!
Do you get deer in your garden? A 4 foot fence won't keep them out.
Although we have deer in the area, I've never seen one on our property. Do you think a 4 ft. fence is high enough to keep Brody in?
I think it would certainly keep my dogs in. They are big mediums. how big will Brody get. I doubt he could jumpover 4 ft. Is the fence that high at it's lower points?
Brody will be a large. I think he'll be about 24" at the shoulder. He's 20" now at 8 months. I should hope that he wouldn't jump over the fence, but we've seen him jump down a flight of stairs!
I don't know what he could jump if he got a running start. You might want to ask in a discussion on the main page mentioning his size so people with big doodles could respond. Also, I know it's impossible, but try to keep jumping down stairs and things like that to a minimum. The breeders worry about open growth plates in their bones.
Whoops, just found this discussion which you should read. Fences
Great discussion! Thank you....

By the way.... Do you know of any dog parks in our area?
There's one at the duck pond in Rdgewood and I just saw one the other day in the park I ended up in--a county park, maybe Woodale? I haven't been to Ridgewood often. The dog parks have some issues. I haven't had a problem with aggressive dogs but the last time i took Luca to Ridgewood a woman brought a sick dog. When I realized that I left.
I just heard of the park at the Duck Pond... But where is Woodale?
I was in Woodcliff Lake: Park There is a pond and a picnic pavillion.
It looks promising! Thanks!



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