Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I brought home a 13 week old Springerdoodle boy named Malcolm yesterday.  He is brown, white and blonde right now - but the breeder said he should turn all brown and white eventually??

If you had seen my previous post about agonizing over getting a 2nd dog I thought this would be the best thing for our family and our goldendoodle, Luna.   The breeder told me they were already crating him at night and he would go several hours with no problem, not so much last night!!  He freaked out in his crate and I thought maybe if he stayed gated off in the kitchen with Luna he would be okay - big mistake - he peed everywhere and I think kept Luna up all night.   We are going to try moving the crate to our bedroom and see if that helps tonight.  He doesnt seem to have any regard for where he potties and when even though I take him outside religiously.  He even piddle on the bed I put down for him :(    Luna seems really jealous - they are playing a bit and no aggression from either yet so I think that is a good sign.  I'm going to go pick up some new toys today that are big enough for both doodles to play with.   Luna and Malcolm are very mouthy with each other - nibbling at each other's ears and neck.   Malcolm also keeps tugging on Luna's tags on her collar - that is driving me crazy.  I really hope we made the right decision here.  I'm so tired I feel nauseous.  

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The mouthing is part of dog play. If it does get rougher than you think is play, them distract them with a toy or a trip outside for a pee break. After a physical play session, Loo usually needed to go outside for a break. It is interesting you say Malcolm goes after Luna's tags or collar, RB our older dog would take Loo down by grabbing her collar. I stopped that by removing their collars while in the house! I just left their collars on their leases. I would separate them at nite, if you are keeping one in the crate and the other one is in a gated area! If he continues to pee everywhere, I would get him check for a UTI. Hang in there, it a very stressful time for the dogs and for you! In time Luna will realize Malcolm is here to stay and Malcolm will begin to feel comfortable in his new home and the new rules! In the mean time, keep Luna on her regular schedule and help Malcolm adjust to her schedule. Give them both lots of love, ear rubs and stay as positive as you can during this adjustment period! You should see some positive changes everyday, some small, some not so small! Oh remember they need time apart from each other! Luna needs a break from this little invader! I would love to hear how it is going after a week together! Good Luck!
He is so cute! Bet he catches on after a little while and hope you all get a good nap. Jewel, now 15 weeks, loves to grab our 5 1/2 year old Corgi's collar and while it drives us crazy, he seems to think it's an invitation for fun. Jewel has not been allowed to have any fun with our 12 1/2 year old dog...the dog's rule, not ours :) They will work out that pecking order on their own, you have enough to concentrate on. Some time alone for all is a good thing, extra love and always getting fed first for Luna helps.

As far as I am concerned a Springerdoodle is the best of the best - because I have a Springer and dearly love him.  Your little one is darling.  Did you have Luna as a puppy?  Perhaps you have forgotten the sleepless nights and potty issues? Dogs play with teeth and growls and Luna will put him in his place when she is tired of him. I would take Luna's collar off for right now so he can't get caught on it. You may need to crate train him yourself.  Use the doodlekisses search engine and type in crate training. And, yes, put the crate in your room.

Thanks all.  Last night was a little better, we moved the crate to our bedroom.  He howled and squealed for a good 30 minutes before calming down- didnt matter that I laid on the floor next to it and tried calming him.  He finally went to sleep.... I got up and took him out about 2:30am to pee - put him back in with a treat and he didnt want it.  We had Luna from the time she was 10 weeks.   Malcolm seems very much opposite of Luna so I'm struggling.  Luna would sleep - a lot and wasn't crazed about getting out of anything we put her in.  We could put her in an exercise pen with toys while we were working around the house and she was perfectly content.  Malcolm has a meltdown if we try anything like that.   He has broken out of the exercise pen, knocked it over, almost broke out of the crate and is already climbing baby gates.   If we go to close a door to our 2nd living room he will see this and run in there and try to get in - just because we don't want him there.   He also doesn't seem motivated by food or praise/loving.   This is the hardest part for me because Luna would do anything for a treat from day 1.   Malcolm just doesnt seem to have interests in any of the treats, kibble, bones or toys as a reward for anything.    This morning he has started humping Luna.. i've never had a boy dog before so this freaked me out a bit.   

He will get used to the crate and soon like it - try moving it to a central location in the house during the day & in his pen with the door open and a few of his favorite toys in there. He will probably walk in and out often and soon go in to take naps. You could also try putting his leash on him and securing it to something heavy he can't move like a table leg or sofa if he is not a chewer (make sure a pile of toys is with him!)



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