Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Our pup Ruckus is 10 months old, and we've always planned on getting a 2nd doodle (we intended to get another pup from the same breeder).  We now have the opportunity to bring another 10 month old doodle into our lives.  We're going to meet at a dog park this weekend, to see if the boys get along and discuss next steps.  We're really excited at the prospect of adding another pup to the household, but also nervous at the same time.  Any tips from those of you with two pups?  How do they get along?  Is it completely nuts to have two that are the same age (I already know we're a bit on the crazy side)?  Thanks for your input!

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I have a 2yr old (Yankee) and a 9 month old (Finn) and I kind of wish I had gotten two at the same time and the same age. They are both at different stages and the Finn can be annoying to Yankee. They do play a lot together and it's so much fun to watch but I wish they were closer in age. Finn is still a brat and Yankee gives in to him all the time. I don't think it's crazy at all. That's my opinion.
I have two doodles. Sheba was born Dec. 25, 2008 and we brought her home in Feb. 2009. Duke was born March 15, 2009 and he came to live with us in May 2009. They are just a couple months apart and I liked it that way. Sheba was just finishing up with her potty training and Duke was just beginning. He was able to learn a little from Sheba in the potty training department. I was lucky to be able to stay at home and work with my two so I had the time to devote to them. Is this your first dog? Have you ever had 2 dogs at one time? I have had some medical issues with both of my dogs. Friday I take Duke for allergy testing. It is going to cost between $300.00 and $550.00. This will not be covered by pet insurance. In the past I have also had 2 dogs at the same time. I didn't spend as much on medical bills but my one female dog would pick fights with my other female dog. It was a difficult situation but in the end it worked out. You just never know what you'll get with pets. You can take all the precautions like finding a good breeder, making sure the pups parents are tested etc. but you may still end up with costly medical bills. When you bring two dogs together sometimes they get along, sometimes they don't. They may get along well together for a year or two and then something happens and all of the sudden they aren't getting along. Duke is my difficult child. He challenges me quite a bit so I am always having to correct him. He can be a bit of a bully at times to Sheba. Thank goodness Sheba has such a sweet easy going personality and will put up with him. I personally love having two dogs so close in age. Over all they get along pretty well and I know they love each other. I adore my guys. My husband and I have had so much fun with them but has also been a lot of hard work and dedication. If you decide to add another doodle I wish you much good luck and lots and lots of happy times together!!
I can't really help you because Taquito was 6 years old (and different breed) when I brought Peri home. Have you posted this in the group "Multiple Doodles"? I bet you could get quite a few more responses there!
Good luck!
I have two doodles who are 10 weeks apart, from the same breeder. Same father, different mothers, but they are related. If I had to do it all over again, I would not have gotten two doodles so close in age to each other. They are wild! Where we go for day camp and training, I keep hearing from the certified trainers that they would have never done what I did, unless they were home all day to work with them. I then asked if I could quit my job, but that didn't go over too well with the hubby. Can't blame a girl for trying though.

I think they do learn from each other, but the problem we have is that being so close in age, they are still fighting about who is the alpha. And, they feed off of each other and are very reactive. Lola is 1 yr 7 mos and Shandy is almost 1 yr 5mos. I will say though, they are very attached to each other. It's cute to see them take naps by each other and play together. I would never trade them for anything, but I just wanted to share with you our issues and what our trainers have been telling us.
I have two that are three months apart.. One doodle and a great pyrensse. I would never do that again. They are very close . They have learned alot from each other. In fact the pyr has alot of the doodle behaviors. But having said that Sadie the doodle would prefer to hang outside with the Pry.
My doodles are 10 months apart, and it's perfect. I wouldn't do the new puppy thing together, but by 10 months, most pups have the training well on it's way. Two at 10 months old would likely be just fine. I can't say how much enjoyment it gives me to watch mine interact, they totally love each other, and I believe doodles are ment to be in pairs : ) We also have an older maltese, and the blend there was fine as well, as she's a lap girl, not into romping with the doodles. All the best on your decision, and addition should it work out.



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