Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

It's pricey but oh so worth it! I was using bitter yuck on everything and could not take my eye off of her bc she wanted to chew. Thankfully she had not destroyed anything yet! She did not like anything I brought home! Then I found the yak chew!!!! She LOVES it! Its yak milk, lime juice and salt. It smells like a smokey cheese. She can chew HARD and it seems to last for a good time! I don't have to worry about her like I would with a rawhide (not a fan) etc. Here is a link to the site. I was able to find mine at a local pet store. Hope it helps someone else too!

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Sophie loves this chew also! I was skeptical but the girl at the pet boutique assured me that she hasn't met a puppy who hasn't loved them. With teething happening in our household right now they are perfect- especially since Sophie doesn't like the specially crafted wet then frozen washcloth!
No upset tummies from the ingredients???
Sophie never has and she has had tummy issues before. The chews are so hard that the dog really isn't consuming much of the treat at one time.
No upset tummies here! Plus I can handle the smell of smokey cheese over bully sticks any day!!!!!
That sounds great!  I will have to get Tori one!  She technically passed the teething stage, but will still grab my fuzzy slippers and chew them open  and LOVES gnawing on her nyla bones... I think she may like something new.
I just had to share this bc I love it THAT much! Hubby was shocked at the price but then totally okay with it once he saw that she was getting that HARD chew she needed! She HATES nyla bones! (First dog ever to do that) We have not had to use the bitter yuck once since getting these! She will chew on this, the bully stick (moo brand that does not stink as bad) and her busy bone. The yak by far is her favorite!
You sold me!  My thinking... sometimes 'good deals' like these are better kept between the doodle moms society!  LOL  Thanks so much for the tip!  Tori eats mostly canned food, so this will help her teeth as well as keep her happy and busy.  I do so remember trying to sit down to watch a show or just clean the house and running to find what she was up to if she wasn't tethered to me... some chores just can't be done with a puppy attached to your wrist... she liked her crate, but not when we were home moving around....being in the crate with the nylabone kept her busy then too... Hold on... this too shall pass and you may even someday - find yourself longing for those puppy days!  LOL

Izzy  and Lucca love these too. I hadn't bought them in awhile and decided to try them again the other day. Because Izzy still has puppy teeth she can't do much damage. But 2 yo Lucca can bite off chunks of the chew. As with anything they still need to be supervised. A trick I used when Lucca was a puppy....these things are expensive so to get your moneys worth I always bought the size for large dogs (they're not that big anyway). I would lodge the end of it inside a kong. This way they can never get to the end of it.

With Izzy, she just gnaws at it and the outside gets gooey but she can't bite it off. Who knows what she'll do when she gets her adult teeth. I'm sure Lucca can't wait as those sharp puppy teeth have to hurt him when they play!!

Here's another suggestion. Go to your local meat market and ask for marrow bones. I have the butcher cut them in 1/2 or 1/3d's, depending upon the size. I boil them for 20 minutes, take the marrow out (I put a little on Lucca's food). They love these bones and it keeps them busy for hours!!!!!!!

The antlers are great...we get ours from here Yes, you're right, these actually last for months!!!

The marrow bones don't splinter but if you have a voracious chewer you need to watch them. Lucca and Ben have bitten off small pieces but it's never been a problem. In the past I have also filled them with peanut butter, yogurt, cheese or a mixture of rice and canned dog food or liverpaste and freeze them. It takes them awhile to get the stuff out. You can buy the bleached bones at the pet store but they're more costly and for the most part...made in China!!



Just bought some antlers.  Harpo is still a chewer, but usually is chewing on an oak branch that he brings in the house.  He did chew the cord on the Christmas lights, but left the tree alone.  He chews on his toys of course, but so far hasn't destroyed anything.  What a dog!  Hope he likes the antlers.

I just ordered on for my puppy and two for my parents dogs!  Hope they like them.  :)  Thanks for the link.

The marrow bones (soup bones) are great! my 6 month old doodle loves them and he usually finishes his chews within an hour or two but they seem to last for hours. I like your idea about freezing them with something in them..I will have to try that for sure.



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