Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I gave my five month old, 22 pound mini doodle a bully stick yesterday. We were together in the family room. Ten minutes later, I couldn't find the bully stick. Ten minutes later, she started to choke and barfed up an eight inch bully stick. I'll attach a picture of this thing. It's kinda gross. But it scared the hell out of me. This thing could have killed her. I have no idea how on earth she swallowed this thing. It wasn't her first bully stick, but it will certainly be her last.

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Thank God she threw it up!  Is she eating and drinking okay today?

She's fine. Like it was nothing!

That same thing happened to me with my puppy, except it was only 4 inches or so. I turned my back for maybe 2 minutes and the whole thing was gone! He never threw it back up, but I was worried the next couple days that it might cause a blockage. I've been hesitant to give him one ever since even though he loves them... I don't know of another alternative besides rawhide, which is even more dangerous. 

Dogs can swallow big things, I'm not sure how, years ago my husky swallowed an ear of corn and barfed it up and a few months ago my Labradoodle puppy swallowed a frozen Italian sausage...was sick for days than pooped it out whole, I watch him closely when I give him things to chew but never give him the bully sticks after he swallowed a large piece. I give him marrow bones and watch him.

My puppy is 10 weeks and loves bully sticks. He would chew chew and chew on it and then one day it just disappeared as well. I thought I just lost it but a couple days later he pooped it out. He swallowed it with about 5 inches left. So no more bully sticks for my pup either! He also swallowed the huge knot end of a rawhide so I am done with those for now as well. Can't wait til he's a year and can swallow a whole shoe! ha

OMD thank goodness it came back up with no problems for her!  These dogs can swallow anything and I have to watch Libby constantly.  So happy she is ok and I'm with you, no more Bully Sticks.

Spud no longer lays down for a good chew, but when he did, I always held one end ( eww and slimmy) so maybe if and when there is ever a Bully Stick, you can make it a bonding experiance?
Sorry this happened to you. Puppies get into things so fast. It's amazing more does not happen

I do the same here, I hold one end. lol

How dedicated we really are to enjoy a slimmy stick with our pups :) ugh.
But, it's safe and they are so happy.

Oh Joanne!  You know what bully sticks are, don't you?  I don't think I would enjoy holding one while my puppy chewed on it.  A bonding experience?? Think not!  And then there is the smell.  I only allow my dogs to eat them outside and then they get 20 minutes on a stick before I take it away and put it in a zip lock bag and keep for a later date.  In fact, I think I will go give them one now.  They  are sitting quietly outside while my husband and his friend are trying to install a printer driver on our new computer.  All my stuff is installed but having problems with the old printer (not really old but 32 bit and a 64 bit computer).  We have a 32 bit printer and 32 bit AutoCad program that we want to put on the 64 bit computer.  This stuff is just too confusing for me.

Lynda, I know what one is.. and I don't care. Heck, I worked in a hospital lab with guts for many years.  Phases me none.  I've held worse sticks! 

Lynda, you know what Butt Steak is, don't  you?  It was on your dinner plate tonight  :)   LOL

And, I actually have hand soap here too!!

If it keeps the pup from choking but lets them enjoy, no big deal to me. Personally though, I think they are too high priced and a waste of money.  But, for a special occasion~ have at it

Good to know. Thank you. Sorry that happened.



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