Had to share with someone who would understand, but isn't a puppy experiencing something for the first time the cutest thing ever? In the summer, there was this day where big, fat, raindrops were starting to fall, and Milo kept looking up to see what was up there. At the beach over Thanksgiving, his first sight of the sand and the waves was too, too cute. The sea weed was really scary, but we eventually conquered it, and gasp, marked it and claimed it for posterity. And today he walked on our frosty grass for the first time, and kept looking down at the grass in surprise as it crunched underfoot. So many things to figure out...
It is very sweet to watch. Izzy had her face up and mouth open catching raindrops the other day. She was in awe watching Lucca dig a hole...then she decided to try it and boy oh boy was that fun!!!! I remember when Lucca was a pup... crunching the first frosty grass, chasing the first leaves and chasing the water running down the road during the rain. Walks were and still are an adventure of checking for pee-mail and exploring!! I can't wait until Izzy is old enough to experience all this:)
Aww, that is the cutest thing ever, when they discover something new. Even though Cooper experienced snow last winter when he was only a couple of months old, I am anxiously awaiting for him to see it this year when he is a year old now!
We didn't have Melody last winter, but our first experience with her and snow was last week. She loves it! She jumped up and down and raced wildly over the new snow on the lawn. Totally energizing. Very cute,indeed!
I do understand! All the new things our doodles are exposed to are just as exciting gas when our kids were little :-) I can't wait to show our little one the ocean. He is not listening to our commands yet as we want and have to wait to bring him to the beach. Hope to have a similarly fun experience!
It is so cute when they are experiencing new things. It makes me think of my son who was born during the drought in California and at 2 1/2 years old had never seen rain. One afternoon, it started to rain and he ran to the sliding glass door and slapped his hands on the windows and said "Whats Zat?" I told him it was rain. He said "Where'z it comin from?" And I said from the sky. He joyfully said, "Oh I gotta see that" and ran to the kitchen and out the back door. He stood in the rain looking up to the sky and turning around in the rain until he was soaked. Then he came in the house, satisfied, and I dried him off with a towel. New experiences are memories that stay with you always. Enjoy!