Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
It might be a good idea to set up a second or move (if possible) your pen where you want. Don't worry about his freedom, it might feel like you are being cruel ( I did) but this time passes quickly!
Ripley is so adorable!
We gated off the kitchen/dining room from living room, and then we have doors to shut and a gate for the steps..we spend free time in each of the rooms at different times, but I did get an ex pen that is attached to his crate., which has two doors. In the mornings after eating and before going out, it's just easier while I'm packing lunches for the kids and's not cruel to crate or pen keeps them safe...and us sane. There are times when it's his crate time, and I hang out for a little before going anywhere so he sees me..then I do what needs to be done, which sometimes includes a nap for me, before I pick my boys up from school, lol. George is also a little more on the independent side, so this works for us...I think it's really important to find what works best for your family...which sometimes looks a little different than what everyone else does..
Hi - I just brought home my first puppy too and also have a gate in my kitchen. He is only 8 weeks old so obviously house training is in process. We take him into the kitchen with us when we are cooking and for his meals. I also got a sweat collapsable hex pen on Amazon that has been a life saver. We keep one end on the side of the couch and it goes out and around to the other side giving him maybe an 8 ft half circle to run around and sleep in where we don't have to watch him constantly. This is where my boyfriend and I eat dinner, watch movies, talk, read, pretty much everything. We only let him run around the rest of the apartment when we both can watch his every move and grab him if he starts to try to go to the bathroom. Obviously mistakes will happen, so I'd say get a hex pen for sure, and watch him carefully if you do let him wander.
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