Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Does anyone else have a puppy that doesn't seem to like walks?  When I take Benny  (14 weeks) out in the neighborhood, he whimpers and whines and keeps stopping to look back the way we came, and then when we turn around for home he bolts like something's chasing him. If I take him outside the neighborhood he seems a bit happier, but still whimpers. Only occasionally is he happy tail up peppy. There's never been any kind of negative experience that I can tell on a walk, I moved to a harness to prevent crushing his windpipe when he's in bolting mode, and he seems to be ok with the harness. There's no fuss getting it on or anything. Since walks = exercise = happy & healthy dog, I really want to figure out what's going on. Any ideas?

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My puppy is the same way at 19 weeks. I am thinking they are just too young to appreciate it yet!

Our dog Finnigan was the same way until he was about 5 months. He would walk until he lost sight of his house and then he would sit down and refuse to budge. I even tried carrying him for about 2 blocks to see if he would start to walk again once he was far enough away from our house. The neighbours would laugh because they would see me carrying my doodle on his daily walk. As soon as I put Finnigan back down on the sidewalk he would pull all the way home. He would run as fast as he could until he saw our house and then he was happy again.

I noticed that he would walk better if my husband and I both went on his walk. If once of us didn't go on the walk Finnigan would sit down and refuse to leave our street.

Eventually he just started to love his walks and now he can't wait to go out.

. My advice would be to hang in there and I think your puppy will loves his walks once he gets a bit more confident.

our puppy was the same, didn't like walks.  So, I worked with him in the yard on a harness leash.(to get him used to follow commands and my lead. we don't allow pulling or tugging)   And every now and then would attempt a 'short walk' to see his thoughts.  

It was amazing how as they age and gain confidence, that they really love these walks. It happens magically like a light switch was turned on. So, hang in there, as I am sure you will soon have a walking partner. 

For us at age 4, one can't even spell W A L K without rousing the dog! lol 

Glad to see this as it seems my Dinah was like this...but not at first.  When she first arrived she would follow me at heel and I took this for granted thinking this is the way she would be.  Not.  It goes away if you don't reward it.  Or at least that's what I now believe.  Later she had a scary experience that hampered walk taking, so I substituted yard play to give her exercise.

I enjoy playing with her, but I get tired before her puppy energy gives out....and I was looking forward to the exercise walking your dog provides. The solution was a hybrid of rolling a frisbee every so often in the green spaces when we walked.  I didn't realize how lucky I am to have the ability to do this, as the condominium  where we live has grassy common elements everywhere.  Not sure how this would play out in a suburban or city location.

Thought it might help new puppy parents to know about taking advantage of the very early 8 week habit of following.



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