Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Last Tuesday Sadie got a haircut while she was at her doggy daycare. When they brought her out her hair was completely straight from the blow-drying.--she looked very odd to me. I didn't get a picture of that stage, but within a few hours of running around being a puppy her hair had started to get its wave back. Here are some before and after shots. I had a hard time getting a good shot of her afterward--sometimes she doesn't like to cooperate.



After (while she was still clean):And after some time outside:


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Replies to This Discussion

she is very cute - in every pic!
Thanks! I think so too!
She's adorable in both looks, but the blown-out look is very elegant!
Elegant! I think you're right, although it's not a word I ever thought I'd use for my rambunctious, goofy Sadie! :)

WooHoo she still looks doodly and we can see her big beautiful eyes now.

I know! It was strange at first to be able to see her eyes so well. I feel bad now that I let it get so long. I'm really glad they kept her the same length all over.
Sadie looks beautiful (in all the pics)!



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