Hi guys, i was jsut wondering if you guys have experienced leaving your puppy for 6 hours (school). she'll be 10 weeks by then .. this is my last option . im thinking of leaving her in the bathroom and have puppy pads on the floor and a baby gate to block the entrance.
Just another thought for safety. If you are leaving your puppy in a crate or not, do not leave any kind of collar on her that can get hooked on her crate or anything else. I have turned into a real worry wart since getting Quincy. We all want our doodles to be safe. I'm sure you will find something that works for you. Good Luck to you and your beautiful little girl.
At 10 weeks a puppy can probably "hold it" for about 3-4 hours (when not playing). Getting a dog walker in half way through would be a good idea at least until she's a little older. I like to set up an exercise pen (usually available at the big chains like PETCO). Inside the exercise pen I place the crate (door open), some sort of place for them to eliminate (this could be a doggie litter box, wee pads, or the artificial grass style potty systems), a bowl of water and perhaps a stuffed Kong to occupy them. This way they have a place to rest (the crate), a place to move around, and water available. If you get a dog walker in, you can ask them to give the puppy another stuffed Kong (possibly frozen) to keep the puppy busy until you get home. This system also helps discourage the puppy from any destruction of your house. This can also be a safe place to have the puppy when you are too busy to watch it.