Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Oh man. I don't know why this shocked me so much, or why it took me so long to figure out what it was! Ember woke up from a nap and was chewing on a bone, when suddenly she was pawing hard at her face, then making a sound like she was chewing on an ice cube. I had no idea what was happening, but she was rolling around making funny noises, which I assume means she is choking. I had my fingers in her mouth, down her poor throat, and could not find anything. And like nothing happened, she was suddenly just fine. (I, on the other hand, about passed out from worry!)

Fast forward to the next day and it happened again! This time when she opened her mouth I happened to notice a tooth hanging half off her gum and was able to just grab it and she was fine. Two hours later, same thing, and she spit out a tooth! 

Poor thing is going to be toothless here soon!! 

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Oh my dog did this give me the chuckles!!!!!  Stuart lost his teeth and I never saw one and never knew.  Rooney lost his and WHAT A DRAMA QUEEN he was.  Sounds just like Ember.  Rolling, pawing at the face, rubbing the head on the floor - oh yes you have a DQ too!  Take a video as it is pretty funny - oh and yes you'll find them just laying around your house for a while.  LOL

Hi there,

What age is Ember? I'm just wondering when to expect this.


She just turned 4 months old. :)
My guess is she's 4 months old. When Murphy lost hers she had the permanent one come in right away and in the case of the canines, the permanent ones grew in before the baby ones fell out. It was not a problem and we found out that is quite common.

We have a baggie full of Ruby's teeth (not sure what we plan to do with them hahahha). Some she just spit out all of a sudden and others she was more dramatic with. Some bled more than others. All a part of the puppy phase. :)

Zoey has lost 3 of them this week!  Spit all of them out.  LOL...too funny.  I just posted earlier that it's a good thing there is no such thing as the Doodle Tooth Fairy cause I might go broke this week if she keeps losing them at this pace.  Ha ha ha!  On the upside...we don't have to buy them Halloween costumes...they can go as Dood-O-Laterns!
Bruin will be four months in a couple of days and I just noticed that he is missing lots of teeth.  He looks so funny - on top in the front, he only has his two front teeth left and of course those longs fangs that hurt are still there.  I took him to the vet today (to have two ticks removed - YUCK) and he weighed in 33.8 pounds!  I think he is gonna be a whopper!!!
How funny!  We were so excited when Bailey had lost all his puppy teeth.  Puppy teeth are so sharp!!!  Bailey had chewed on a couple teeth as well.  I was a bit freaked out, but our vet said it was normal for puppies to chew and swallow their puppy teeth.  We had actually found a puppy tooth jammed in one of his toys too!  Gross!!!  I think Bailey had finished losing his puppy teeth around 7 1/2 months.  It will soon be over :)
I can't believe how long it is taking!! I don't know what I thought this process would be like... :) She lost a tooth at puppy class last week and was bleeding on other dogs, which as you can imagine, caused lots of anxiety from the other dog owners thinking little miss Ember had bitten them and broken their skin--nope, just being gross and bleeding from her mouth on them. Yuck! All her fangs are gone now, and lots of new teeth are coming in. Hopefully this is almost over....



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