Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Annabelle is 15 weeks old and weighs 6.3lbs. She is a mini doodle, but I thought even for a mini that might be on the small side. I don't mind her being small as long as she is healthy and eating enough. Her mom is 30lbs and her dad is 11. The breeder said she would top out just under 25lbs. She isn't much of an eater and it is a challenge to get her to eat sometimes. Some days she will only eat about a cup of food. I can tell she is getting bigger, the scales just don't seem to budge much. For those of you that have a mini, does this seem normal? The vet doesn't seem concerned. He says she is healthy. I would post this in the mini doodle group, but they don't seem very active over there. This has been her weight so far. Thanks
10 weeks 4.2lbs vet
11 weeks 4.4lbs
12 weeks 4.8lbs vet
13 weeks 5.4lbs
14 weeks 5.6lbs vet
15 weeks 6.3lbs
Thanks sharing their weights. They are adorable.
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