Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
So my little Enzo will be 5 months on the 20th of this month. He has started barking aggressivly at other dogs. Yesterday we were playing in our front yard, not fenced, but he is on a long leash. A tiny dog walks by and he goes ballistic - barking, straining, etc. We let them get a little close, and he seemed to actually try to nip the other dog? Not sure, but I pulled him away quickly. (Enzo is not a big dog, maybe 16 or 17lbs, but this other dog couldn't have been more than 5!) I didn't know what would happen. Today we dropped our car off at the mechanic, and he has a welsh corgi that was off leash. We tried to introduce them and again Enzo went crazy!!! I am not sure what would happen if we let it continue? I don't want to see him get into a dog fight. He is friendly with people, but he does also bark at people when he is in the car, and he will bark at people if they approach him in a way he doesn't like. So far, he is very friendly when you get past his barking. But I am wondering if anyone has any tips for me? He has been to puppy class, and did well, but he was actually timid with a lot of the dogs. It seems like he is changing! there is a puppy romp (puppy playtime) on Sundays but I haven't been able to take him there. I am a little afraid to take him to the dog park when he is acting like this - all those dogs off leash, and him all reactive...
Any help or tips are greatly appreciated! He is a love at home, sweet and cute and gentle - he gets a little crazy with the kids, but not bad, hardly any nipping or biting, even for a puppy.
I want to be able to take him everywhere and not have to worry about his reaction to dogs because there are dogs everywhere where we live!!!
Thank you,
Hi Karen, I too am having problems socializing my puppy (14 1/2 weeks) with other dogs. At first he was very scared with other dogs and would run away and cry (he was even with this way with dogs behind fences that couldn't get to him). As he is becoming more familiar with dogs being around (on walks, ect.) he is getting a little less scared, however barks at them. This either scares other small dogs away, or makes other dogs angry with him (he was recently nipped at by another dog he was barking at). He even needs to be separated at play time during our puppy kindergarten class, which breaks my heart. I think Wrigley wants to play and be friendly with other dogs, however he is not making many friends by barking at them nonstop. Anyway, wish I could help you, however I feel your pain. Looking forward to the suggestions on this post!
Thank you, I will look into that! you are right, whenever he goes crazy he is leashed or in the car. I try to remind myself that he is just a puppy, and doesn't know how to act yet. But then I realize that I don't know how to teach him how to act! lol... I mean, most of the time he will be on a leash, so he needs to learn how to deal with that. Sounds like we both have a lot of work to do! :-)
our other dog was just like your puppies but was that way til he passed... our goldendoodle we trained a different way if other dogs are off leash and in a safe area we release Gracie and stay calm thinking good thoughts, also the groomer we take her to lets all good puppies play together off leash as soon as they are inside.. you need toremain calm and really see if your dog will work thru it.. it is really hard as a small dog but now gracie is 62lbs and 11 months old and is sweet
good luck trust you dog do this when they are small
Karen- I am the furthest thing from an expert but I do think the last thing you want to do is to stop taking him places altogether because you are worried how he might act. I would try to give him as many positive experiences with other dogs and people as you possibly can. Do you know anyone who has a very calm, well socialized older dog that would let you spend some time having Enzo interact with? I would try to set up lots of interactions with all types of people and dogs and have them give him treats, treats, treats so he comes to associate meeting new people/dogs with good things.
Also, dogs can go through several "fear stages" in their first year and I have noticed Rooney has entered into another one recently too (he is five months old). He is still incredibly friendly with both people and dogs but he has started barking on occasion when he gets startled by someone. I try to remain very calm and confident and if he is on leash, I will even give it a quick little tug and say sharply, "Enough." If he quiets I give him lots of praise and attention.
is he barking inside the house or just outside and is it the same type of barking
I took him to the dog park today, they have a special "puppy/small dog" area. He did amazing!!! He loved playing with all the dogs, wasn't barking or aggressive at all, and had an amazing time. Ran and played until he was exhausted. luckily he is not a hyper puppy, so it doesn't take much to tire him out. it's probably in the 80's today though, and he his fur is a good 3 inches, so he was pretty hot. I am encouraged that he did so well! Monday I take him to a dog park, so that will be be even more socialization. I think he just wants to play with all the other dogs he sees, and gets so wound up and excited he doesn't know how to handle it. (much like my kids...hmmm...)
Thanks for the advice! We still need some more training, but now at least I am not so worried that he has any major issues!
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