Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Luna has slept in a crate that we've gradually gone up in size as she's gotten bigger every single night.  The ritual is the same, go outside for potty come back in - go into crate and it gets covered with a sheet.   For the past week or so Luna is downright FEARFUL of her crate at night.  We bring her in from outside, talk all nice to her, she used to just go right in when I tapped on the top of the crate and lay down.  Now she tucks her tail between her legs and runs and cowers.   We have to pretty much drag her into it.   Once she is in there, she stands there as if she's stunned and then we cover it.  Then she starts crying... and eventually goes to sleep.   I checked to make sure she didn't throw up or have any bodily function accidents in there.  I washed her bedding thinking maybe she thought it was stinky, I checked the crate to make sure nothing appears broken, or sharp or pointy - I checked Luna all over to see if maybe she got hurt in there.  I'm coming up with nothing.   There have been no traumatic events involving the crate that I am aware of.   We do have 2 cats that roam free in the house - maybe they did something to her?  If so, she would be afraid of them or reacting I would think?  RIght now she is sleeping next to one of the cats touching nose to nose almost.   I've tried crawling into the crate with her, treats, everything - nothing helps.   We even put a treat in there one night and it was still there in the morning!  Once I opened the door in the morning she came out - I saw the treat was still on the bottom - when she came back in from potty she went into her crate and snatched up the treat!  

We don't want to leave her free in the house or even confine her to the kitchen at night because we don't know what she will do.  I think she will bark at us if she has to potty since there wouldn't be a reason (in her brain) to hold it til morning... she also plays with the cats a lot and runs around with them so I would think it would be loud and wake us up.  Maybe we're overthinking this.    

Any thoughts or help on what we can do - I would appreciate it so much.   

If this helps at all - we never use the crate as punishment - it is bedtime place only.  I am home with her all day, everyday so she is not really left alone much at all.   

Views: 236

Replies to This Discussion

Also, start treating her when she goes in the crate.

You may want to feed her in the crate too.  She might get to know that,

Positive rewards are located in the crate  :)

I agree, you are making the right choice for her safety. Heaven knows, an obstructed bowel because she got into something is not an alternative

I tried giving her food and treats in her crate - she won't eat in there at all.  The snuggle puppy looks cute, but Luna destroys things.  Even the heavy duty chewer kong toys (the black ones) she manages to rip out seams and poke holes in things.   She also has a thing where if she gets a hold of anything cloth like - she starts pulling threads out.  She's so weird. :(  

Sorry for the rough night. As far as destroying her toys...have you tried the Himilayan Dog bones and/ or any type of Antlers? They may help satisfy her need to chew. I would continue to try and treat her in the kennel. Anything to help make it a pleasant place for her.

She has a very large Elk antler which she loves... 

How about if you put an old t-shirt or rag that has your scent on it in her crate? You could sleep with an old piece of t-shirt then put it in her crate in a rotation so your fresh scent is always in the crate? It won't matter if she shreds it. My dogs will not eat a treat when they are nervous about something.  I once had a dog who always "saved" her treat until we got back.

Another suggestion, put her up on your bed to sleep at night.  This worked for us with two dogs who had nightime issues.

Great idea, Nancy. I do this when my dogs go in for boarding.



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