Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Oh My Goodness When Will He Calm Down And Stop Biting Everything? And a cute pic :-)

Griffin is almost 12 weeks and he seems to have more energy and more desire to bite anything with each day!  It used to be so easy to tire him out...  When do they typically start to settle down a bit/stop teething?  We're hoping to put our house on the market soon and  he's just decided to bite at or scratch doors if he wants in (like the bathroom - ack)

His cuteness, however, does seem to grow with each day as well :-) I'm attaching a pic of him after we did a good job tiring him out lol

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Awww--He is very cute! I also have a 12 week old and his energy has revved up. Can't say that it'll slow down because he has a 15 month sis and she's the energizer bunny. As for the teething chew toys and chew toys. I watch him like a hawk but the seconds I turn to do something he's managed to take my area rug corners and my sandals. As I'm typing this he's trying to chew the baseboards! Lol. My challenge is the potty. He slowly gets it and then he doesn't. I do crate him if I can't watch him. They are fast and very curious- don't let the cuteness fool you. Good luck!

My challenge is now potty.  Sophie was great and we were so proud of her and now 2 days in a row she has gone #2 in the house.  No warning - no going to the back door.  Sighs!  Any suggestions or hints would be appreciated.  I am now having to keep her in the crate during the day instead of in the exercise pen.  I feel guilty because she doesn't get to move around and play - but I can't work and worry about her going #2 in the house, especially after just taking her out and knowing she already went #2.

If there's been a change in her needing to poop extra - has anything going "in" changed?  new treats or more treats than usual, if you are working on training her? is she eating other stuff like mulch, moss, grass (oh wait - that is my dog!)
I know Griffin usually doesn't poop until we've had him on a walk for at least 10 min.  Maybe walk her a while longer after she goes #2?  Has she been fully dewormed?


Sophie constantly eats mulch and I'm always trying to open her mouth and get it from her, but that has been from the start.  We are feeding her the same as well.  She has not been fully dewormed, at least I don't think so.  She has only had two sets of vaccinations so far.  She gets her third set next week.  Since she doesn't have all of her shots - we only walk her in the back yard because I'm so scared of parvo.  So, we just walk around and around and around until she goes.    Yes, Griffin and Sophie have a lot in common.  I always tell her - if you weren't so cute, you'd be in more trouble.  LOL

Oh, and now the grass is coming in strong - we have a few dandelions --- I don't know how she does it - but she manages to pull herself over to all of the dandelions and then pops the top of them off.  She spots them a mile away and then remembers where they are on her next trip out to potty!

Too funny about the dandylions! Wish Griffin's interestes were as sweet. he remembers where the rabbit poop is and the dead bugs... blech.
The vet sent us home with 4 deworming pills - 2 for that night and 2 for next week. That was at his second vet visit (first with us.)
And YES it is very good for them that they are soooooo stinking cute!  I love it when he sits and cocks his head at me one way and then the other - I just laugh every time :-)

So true!  We have toys all over the house! It is worse than when my kids were bitty lol!  When he gets nippy we immediately stick a toy in his mouth.  Ah rugs - yea he's getting fond of them as well.  sigh...

Potty is sort of an issue as well.  When we leave his water bowl down we seriously have to take him out every 20 minutes or so!  Some days no accidents, some we'll have 2-3.  He does go to the door sometimes when he has to go, so that is good.  Other times he just goes where he is - like on the stairs!  Hitting 3 steps on his way down... But oh is he cute and lovey. :-)

get some cardboard boxes cut them up and use painters tape to put them on the lower part of the doors he scratches. it wont look pretty but it will save the door and can be taken off fast if you end up having a showing. You can do this for any area you don't want him chewing or scratching. 

Oooh boxes and apinter tape are a great idea! though he also enjoys chewing on the cardboard boxes he have around for packing... Will try it though - thanks!

OMG, how could that sweet Griffin be such a terror?  LOL -- that's because Sophie is his match.  She will be 11 weeks tomorrow.  We nickname her the alligator because she bites everything - including nipping at my hands, my legs, my pants, chewing the blinds, chewing the gate barricades.  I bought Bitter Apple yesterday and that has helped her chewing on furniture - but the nipping and lunging is really troubling.  If she weren't so cute, she'd be in trouble.  LOL

She has her moments when she is calm, but when she is a terror - we cannot get her to settle down.  It's usually the evening hours.  She runs around and around and does laps, which is fine.  But, when she bites me and won't stop nor listen to 'no bite', it gets frustrating.

She has been so good with going outside to potty.  Never and accident in her crate.  But, last night and this morning, she did #2 in the house.  Both times, she had just #2 prior so I thought she was good to come in.  And, within 15 minutes and no warning - she did so in the house.  I don't know what to do except to watch her even closer than I already do.  I feel as though I am being proactive and take her outside a lot.  I just didn't realize she'd have to go twice.

Good luck to you!  It will get easier.  At least, that's what I am counting on.  :)

Can you believe I have the bitter apple and didn't even think to spray it on the doors and such?? Duh! Thanks :-)
Griffin also has his total puppy spaz time in the evenings - right when I'm trying to put the younger two kids to bed - lovely.
Yes, we'll decide this will all get better with time - I'm with you on that :-)

That's when Sophie has her bewitching hour(s).  At nighttime  She turns into a mad woman.  She gets so much energy.  It's pretty funny, but I would just like to cuddle with her too. 



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