Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Our Irishdoodle is almost 4 months old!  She is beautiful and spoiled! We have her crated for short periods of time throughout the day when we are not home until she is around 6 months old because we have another doodle and want to make the transition slowly.  She enjoys her crate and even goes in on her own and lays down to rest when we are home.  In addition, we have a pet sitter come in for a 1/2 hr if we are gone more than 3 hours (not often).  

I noticed within the first 2 weeks of having Macie home she would take a nap and then when she got up her one side was completely wet.  I called they said not to worry about it, she is developing and could be and isolated incident.  I insisted to bring in a urine sample...results came back and it was a UTI.  She did well on the antibiotics the first week, no peeing in her sleep however the second week of antibiotic treatment she continues to pee about 1x a day in her sleep. She doesn't pee if she gets excited and it rarely happens when she is crated, it mostly happens when we are home and she is napping in the living room or kitchen floor.  Also she doesn't drizzle throughout the day.  I have tried to pick her up and bring her outside right before I see her about to doze off this way she can empty her bladder, but she is a little stubborn and will just lay in the grass.  The vet recommended to wait until after her 1st heat to have her neutered but I'm not sure I want to do that.  


Please let me know if anyone has recommendations or have experienced the same thing.  We take her to all her vet visits plus additional visits for her "pee issue" and want to help her get better :)


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Sounds like you are still dealing with a UTI.  Take her back to the vet and they might have another kind of antibiotic that you can use.  Get that cleared up before you consider the spaying.  Vets prefer to wait, but they will do the spaying whenever it is convenient for you.
We are dropping a urine sample off tomorrow to have it retested because she is done her 2 weeks of antibiotic.  My vet mention ectopic ureter but I don't think its that because she is not incontinent throughout the day, it's only when she is sleeping.  I don't want to put her through the stress of invasive testing unless it is absolutely necessary.

My puppy suffered with recurring bladder infections when she was young.  You probably need to have the vet take a urine sample directly from the bladder.  Kirby, my doodle, had to be on antibiotics for a few weeks before it completely went away.  I also started her on probiotics which I still give her to this day.  The probiotics helped her tremondoulsy. 

Best of luck


Thank you for your reply.  We dropped the sample off on friday and should know monday morning if she still has the UTI.  I'm hoping that she does for the fact that I don't want her to have the ectopic ureter.  If she doesn't have a UTI then they have to put her through some testing which can be rather invasive.  I just don't want her to go through that stress.... The last 2-3 days she hasn't peed while sleeping so there is hope that it is just an infection.  Did your puppy pee in her sleep from the bladder infection?  

In addition, my vet has never heard of a puppy urinating in their sleep.  This surprised me, I originally assumed that it was due to the puppy not having strong enough sphincter muscles or just being lazy to signal she wanted to go out.  During the day we let her out quite often but she sleeps through the night, so once she awakes normally around 7am she is let outside.  

I will keep you posted and thank you again for your reply! 



She pee'd in her crate, but not while she was sleeping.  She got soft stools too.  The vet had to take a urine sample right from her bladder (they draw it with a needle, not as bad as it sounds)  and found the exact infection.  Apparantly, it was real bad.  She was on two antibiotics. 

I thought than when dogs sleep, a change happens in their brain that actually prevents them from peeing, but the moment they wake up -- look out.

Eventually, this will clear up.  Let us know how she is doing.  Once the bladder/uti infection was cleared up --Housetraining was easy --no more accidents.

Hope she gets better fast.



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