Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I just got a second dog a month ago. Our first pup was so easy to train. Lola, our new pup was 16 weeks when we got her. We have a fenced yard. I've been crate training her. I also have bells on the door. I take her paw and ring the bell before we go out but so far she has never rang the bells herself.  I take her out the second she gets out of the crate, after meals, after play or a nap. I've been bringing Lola out every 1/2 hour to the potty spot. She will stay there, sniff around and after 10 minutes or so go back to the steps leading into the house. Sometimes she pees or poops on the top step, sometimes she waits until she is back in the house to eliminate. It is so frustrating. I'm cleaning the spots with an enzyme cleaner.  I'm bringing her out every half hour! If she does go outside I've been using a clicker and treating her. I've caught her a few times in the house and have yelled "NO". Sometimes she will pee outside and within 5 minutes pee again in the house. She will also randomly pee in her crate. I'm trying to get her on a schedule but everything seems so hapahzard. I'm so frustrated. I feel like we did everything right and nothing is working. It has been a month and Lola is still having at least 2-3 accidents every day.

My neighbor said it is so easy to train a second dog because they just copy the first dog. It seem this is not the case for us. I'm at my whits end. Any suggestions?

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Replies to This Discussion

I would agree on the pee pads. It is one more step that has to be taken in eliminating them. ( wow...that statement is full of puns!).
He was bound to go crazy on the leash...all pups do, if he has not been trained. How's the time to start and your killing 3 birds with one stone: contol over him in the yard, walking on a leash, and saving your porch step.
None of these things " just happen" over night. Time and loads of patience is required!

Quick question:

Where are you standing when she is pooping on the top step? Do you walk out with her to the grass area where you want her to do all her business? It's very important during potty training to walk out with them to the area where you want them to go, especially if they don't seem to know where to go. That way you can kind of block her path back to the porch if you feel like she needs to do more business. 

If you are standing at the door waiting for her to come back, she is more likely to do just that. Come back to you, rather than focus on her eliminations. 

Just a thought. 

I do go out with her every time. I am either standing in the potty spot or walking back in with her. She would rather be in the house than outside so after a few minutes in the potty spot she heads back to the house. She eliminates on the top step after we have been outside for 10 minutes or so.

Hmm. My only suggestion would be try waiting a few extra minutes before you take her out, so that the first thing she has to do is go potty. Then that reward of coming inside right after should start to click with her. Costa goes potty immediately when we go out, he won't head towards the door unless he is completely done.
Good luck!

You guys are so right. After having my other dog for 4 years I totally forgot about puppy madness. This stuff is hard.



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