Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I have done a search on socializing and I didn't see what I was looking for in the first five pages. I am a huge believer in socializing a puppy and young dog. I believe dogs need to be socialized to as many things as possible during that crucial period, the first few weeks we bring puppy home.


We, are about to bring another puppy home. This puppy is going to be my mom's puppy. We finally decided that, but my mom will be staying with me for the first few months, so I can help her train the new puppy.


I thought I would start a discussion and people could join in of what you have done or are currently doing to socialize your dog. I thought I had my bases well covered with Jack until the first time I tried to get him to go down stairs at a year old, and he was clueless, He now is obsessed with cats because I never exposed him to them either.


I did from the day I got him take him for walks, carry him in a back pack around the neighborhood, and have as many next experiences with him as I could think of.


Some things I did

Drove him around in the car and gave him treats.

Vacuum while I carried him in my back pack, and then let him smell the vacuum

Blow dry my hair with him in the room or in my front carrier,

Let him play with all dogs current on their shots

Hold him in Pet Smart, and let other people pet him, He didn't walk the floors until he was done with his second set of shots.

He went to daycare and was exposed to all kinds of people and dogs

We walked in thunder storms


I didn't baby him at all when he was scared and coming to me for support, it broke my heart to see him scared but I stood my ground and made him "puppy up" and face his fears. I really tried to avoid negative experiences as much as possible so that he would have no fears. I failed in some areas, my bosses kids threw him in a baby pool when he was 10 weeks old, There was only a little bit of water in there a few inches at best, but I can't help but believe that is why he HATES water.


How about you, what have you done to socialize your baby?? I want to make sure all our basis are covered.




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Harvey comes to the station every day three miles away in the car and has done that since day one 8 weeks old he used to yalp but only the first couple of times ..he comes to london with me once a week 45 miles and is fine still getting used to the trafic when on walks all thou i live in the country i walk him on the road sometimes to get him used to it carry him to train platform while i can carry him so he sees the train close up and also all the people getting off have my grand children play with him while i watch we also take him to puppy party once a week at the vets he loves that and sleeps well that night have had all the odd jobs done around the house by different people so he gets used to me letting people in the house he doesnt like the hoover much but hey ho nor do I lol washing day he gets a bit put out by the spinning of the mashine but nothing major doesnt like the dark at all when i take him out back at night he just fight to get back indoors quick wee wee and thats the most i have him do outside at night cos he is very scared roll on the summer nights ....

I thought we had done a lot to socialize Charlie so far but after reading a really good article on socializing/exposing puppies I realized there is a lot we haven't covered or done enough of with him.  I'm now feeling anxious that he is already 7 months old.  See the link below for the article.  I think the section of '12 by 12 weeks old' is so beneficial for all new puppy owners to follow as soon as they bring puppy home.  I haven't seen it put that way (12 by 12) and liked how thorough the list was.  So anyways today we took Charlie to Lowe's to do a little shopping but mainly to meet people and see new things.  I can't believe it was the first time we've taken him there because it's such a good place to meet all kinds of people and to see all kinds of crazy things (large carts, ladders, forklifts etc).  I think we will be visiting there a few times a week now because I noticed he was acting shy towards men.  He wouldn't shrink down or run away from them he just wouldn't approach them.  When we stopped to talk to a friendly (dog liking) man and he tried to pet him Charlie wouldn't come close.  When I gave a few men treats to offer Charlie he had no problem coming closer and eating it but wouldn't warm up and stay close.  Otherwise he was very well behaved walking around with me for 45 minutes and walking past or near men wasn't a problem.  I'm concerned because he loves many men in my life (husband, bro/father-in law, neighbor etc...) and hasn't had any issues before.  He is a pretty confident, calm dog who hasn't been afraid of anything so far.  He has been completed a couple classes and is enrolled in two right now, goes to multiple pet stores often and is around kids all the time.  So my question's are...Is this a stage and if so what is the best way to get him through it?  I'm seriously going to Lowe's a few times a week starting now because it's an obvious manly place ;) but when I'm there what should I do....approach dog friendly men and have them give him treats or just talk to men while he is near me so he knows it's fine or???







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