Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Marley has been sick since last Friday. A little bit of vomiting on random days, occassional diarrhea, and sleeping ALOT. However, in the backyard she is more than happy to catch a ball or frisbee or chase, Lilly (Westie). I have been in contact with the vet daily giving updates and last night he decided she had colitis and would begin taking Metronidazole (sp). However, this morning, she vomited up a cotton crew sock of hubbys, and 2 hours later 3 (yes, 3) low cut sport socks of our sons! Vet now feels that her stomach is totally torn up, and she should eat a tablespoon or 2 of rice and chicken every couple of hours. If she can't keep it down, we are going for xrays and possible surgry in the morning :( Any ideas or experience would be helpful, as well as prayers and positive thoughts!!!


UPDATE: Marley is home for the holidays and we couldn't be happier :) No surgery was needed! While she was spa-ing at the vet... we searched high and low for socks, and other things she might find appetizing, moved hampers and realized how much Marley makes our house...our home!



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Praying poor Marley will recover swiftly without surgery.
Amy - we are saying a prayer for Marley.  These puppies will eat anything and everything - Rooney wants to chew on it all.  You just can't take your eyes off of them for a minute so perhaps an ex-pen for those times when you can't keep an eye on her and this should help the hubby and son to know that they have to pick up those items.  Marley - get better quick - Santa is on the way soon! 

I told our son, Grayson, I would much rather spend $money$ on him than putting Marley through surgery! He almost slams his bedroom door now, and hubby will be putting on a new doorknob/strike plate asap!

The only thing I can figure with the crew sock is that I dropped it moving laundry from the hamper to the utility room, or she snagged it when I was moving wet clothes to the dryer :)

I am going to email all the vacuum companies and ask if they want to study her 'suction' power or use her as a mascot! All the goodies she 'gives' back... perfect condition!!! 

Toby will find the socks , he pulls them out of the clothes hamper, ferrets down in sports bags, finds the stray sock that has been left in a sneaker or dropped wherever for whatever reason.  We now sweep the house for socks and close bedroom doors just so he can't find them.


I am hoping he grows out of this fetish but you never know!!

I guess Doodles train their owner to be maids! We do the same thing in the open areas of the house, keep the hamper is in the closet, and our daughter keeps her door closed after Marley 'gave back' some expensive panties that she had bought. Our son is home from college and had dumped his laundry in the floor. I seriously think her thought all those stories/texts  that I told him about Marley were exaggerated! WRONG :)

Thinking about it, my house is much more organized since the doodle came to live with us!!
Picked up and organized, YES! Clean... as in bathrooms, floors and vacuuming... not so much! I'd rather be playing in the backyard with the dogs!

Oh my, how horrible.

The bland diet that has always worked for me is

  • white rice cooked in chicken stock
  • add some frozen mixed vegi's
  • and some cottage cheese

its nice because you can cook up a nice batch and then put it into the fridge, microwave it a little at a time if your dog likes it warm

Thanks, Gail!

I think I will copy this down and put it at the FRONT of my receipe book! I have a feeling I am going to need it :)

Thanks, I just printed it out too....for future use. I never thought of the cottage cheese and veggies with it.

Our Goldendoodle pup did the same thing, keep going with the chicken and rice, it took about two weeks for him to get back to normal, because I tried to introduce his food back too early.


We had to start with a tablespoon every hour or so and if he kept it down we were able to slowly increase it.  In the beginning I was having to force feed him so that his stomach did not shut down completely.


Keep an eye on him and follow your vet's advice.  Good Luck!!

Helen, I took your suggestion last night! It did seem to help :) Felt like I had a newborn in the house again!!!



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