Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Wow, I hope it's okay that I've had sooo many questions. Hopefully, they will slow down soon! I was also not sure if this should be in with the puppy group, or food group. Anyway, I'm just wondering if I should continue to feed Millie twice a day as the breeder suggested, or if I should change that to three times? Also, do you feed them as soon as they get up in the morning??? Seems and sounds petty as to exactly when to feed her, but I want to get it right from the get-go! Thank you once again!
I like 3 feedings a day for puppies. The times really depend upon your daily schedule. Buddy gets breakfast around 5 am, lunch at noon and dinner at 5 pm. He also gets a snack of a dog biscuit or two before going to bed. When he was little I divided his meals into 3 equal portions. My two still get a snack at noon with the majority of their daily food in the morning and night. Buddy doesn't need the noon meal any more, but he really likes it.
For the first month or so I kept track of when Buddy did his bathroom duties. I had a paper where I noted the time he ate and when he pooed. Of course the times and number of daily duties changed as he got older, but it gave me an idea of what he needed to do when. It's interesting how they get into a daily schedule.
Griffin is 12 weeks and we still do 3x/day. Now it is 6:30am, 2:30 pm, and 8pm. Eventually I guess we'll merge the last two but for now his weight gain is exactly where the vet wants it.
Your pup will adjust to your schedule, though - if you cannot do 3x/day :-)
We brought AnnaBelle home about 1 week ago. Our breeder (whom I have a great deal of respect for) said feed three times a day while she is still a puppy. Put the bowl down for 20 mins and she can have whatever she wants in that 20 mins. She also said the evening meal should be a little later like at 6:30 or so so that her tummy won't get empty overnight. If it gets empty she could end up vomiting a little yellow bile. She also said we could give her 3-4 pieces of food right at bedtime just to be sure. You can add a little plain low fat yogurt to the top or if the poos are a little soft you can add a little canned pumpkin (100% pumpkin, not pie filling). That should firm them right back up.
Perfect! I'm a SAHM, so feeding her three times a day is not a problem at all. Thank you all again!
I still feed my guys 3x a day. They're both prone to sour stomachs if they're empty, so they get the bulk of their food at breakfast and supper with a light lunch and some green beans mid-day and a small snack (usually a piece of dehydrated lamb lung) when they go to their night-time crates.
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