Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Our Flynn seems to be panting an awful lot lately. Now, the summer has proven to be extremely hot and humid here in the Northeast, and so we've had the A/C on quite a bit. When Flynn hears the A/C kick on, he runs to the vent on the floor and lies down on it, literally. It's his favorite nap spot - any cool floor or A/C vent in the house.
The problem is that when we DON'T have the A/C on, he seems to always be panting. The other day is was 76 degrees outside with a great breeze blowing through the house (I had the windows open - I prefer fresh air to the A/C). It was gorgeous. However, Flynn was lying on the floor panting. We can't help but feel so bad for him because it seems he's uncomfortable. So usually we'll give in, close the windows and turn the A/C on. Now, thanks to our soaring power bill (we leave the A/C on for him just about all day long now, sigh...), we're starting to wonder if we've set the stage for him to always want the A/C on, even if he doesn't need it on(?)
Is anyone else going through something similar? Right now he's got a summer cut, so he's shorter than usual, and my concern is that in the winter when there's heat going to be coming through those air vents, if he doesn't have a puppy cut, will his panting and overheating get even worse?? Someone recommended to me that perhaps we should have him in a summer cut year round, and ask the groomer to shave his belly down and shave under the ear flaps for better air circulation.
Let me know what you're going through, and what your fix is, thanks!
sophie was the same way until i started using a rake and getting all the puppy coat out. even though i lined brushed and puppy hair was coming out the rake just got so much more almost a whole other dogs worth. once it was out she seemed to be much happier laying in the sun on the deck and not panting. I got all my new grooming tools from some of the prices seemed to good to be true or at least compared to stores near me.
At what age did you start getting the puppy coat out? Flynn is almost 7 months now.
she actually started a little earlier then the normal with some coming out at 4 months, very little with regular brushing. but when she went to the groomers on aug 18th she went from a heavy sheep type coat to a medium thick wispy coat.
I got a rake comb and started combing away, wishfully thinking it'd take out a bunch of hair... but no such luck. A little bit came out, but not much at all. It appears Flynn isn't ready for the puppy coat to come out. For now we'll stick to the A/C, fans and a shorter summer cut.
I've also seen online that manufacturers make cooling dog beds; that might be an option down the road, although we may not have to go that route since Flynn has officially earned his right to sleep out of the crate at night and on our bathroom tile floor instead. Good puppy :)
Trying placing a fan somewhere that the dog can lie in front of it. I live in Florida so our air is on year round. If you wanna feel better I could tell you what my monthly bill is - you will go to bed tonight with a clear conscience, I promise. LOL
Our dog lies in front of or on top of the air conditioning vents and that's when the air is on SO maybe your dog would just like the air flowing over him. I can't imagine how wonderful a summer day is at 76º, how lovely for you! BUT.....I'll take my winters over your anytime!
Bailey is always hot too. I put a box fan on low and she likes to lay in front of it. When she is in her crate I aim the fan so it gives her a soft breeze. I think she likes the sound of it as well.
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