Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

ROLL CALL--Let's try to get an actual count on the numbers of doodles who shed

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Amen and their personalities are worth every hair in my book!

Stanlee is an F1 labradoodle and he sheds like a cat.  Two to three times a week I could restuff all pillows with doodle fur and never miss a wink of sleep.  He has also blown his coat twice now and is just over a year old. 

Jewel, who is 15 weeks old, only shed a few hairs here or there...but now we have little white dust bunnies beside the giant gold & cream ones from our Golden/Lab mix & Corgi...the personalities were the pull to the breed, but must admit thinking there was no shedding to go with that personality was the ringer! She is a delight & compared to the others is minimal on the shedding...however, please note that is almost like having no standard at all as the joke in our house is that they shed a hair a minute for every ounce of love they have and they are full of love!!! I started brushing her with the FURminator last week & her "furball" was almost as big as our cat!!

Gem, make sure that Jewel has an undercoat - many doodles do NOT.  If there is not an undercoat, a furminator will be pulling top coat and you don't want that.

She sure looks like she has an undercoat under her long wispy flyaway coat while her back looks just like an English Cream Retrievers back. Her fur is falling out all over the place...and she loves to be brushed with it, it is not pulling on her at all. The only poodle we see in her so far is a poodle butt & prance - no mistaking either :)
Realized after I talked about the FURminator that not everybody is aware that most Doodles do not have an undercoat! Make sure your Doodle has an undercoat before using this brush as that is what it is designed for and you do not want to use it on most Doodles...that being said....if your Doodle does have an undercoat, it is great :)
Thanks for bringing this point up Nancy!


I have 2 medium F1 doodles that are half brothers, one doesn't shed much at all but the other one sheds like a retriever and we have nicknamed him 'white cloud' because every time he moves there appears a white cloud of hair!

Just jumped on to talk about my shedding doodle and this is the first post that popped up...imagine that!  Meg is my shedder, holy smokes that girl covers every thing in the house.  The funny (?) thing about this is that she sheds and I seldom ever have to dust but carpets, clothes and blankets are a mess.  Polly does not shed but since bringing her home the dust in my house is horrendous, figure that one out.  I assume Meg is a shedder but not much dander and Polly is a high dander dog, good thing she didn't go to some one with allergies (well, I have them but don't mind taking a pill so I can still love on my girls).

Hello my name is Shiva and my 11 month old golden doodle has been shedding like crazy the last month. I suppose because she is shedding her winter coat. Tess has always shed but this is beyond crazy shedding. Bought a furminator tool using it about once to twice a week with brushing every other day usually sometimes I try to do it every day. Any tips will help, I am sweeping the house daily and vacuuming couches.  :(



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