Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

We'll be in San Diego for the weekend so if anyone is interested in a get together at Ocean Dog Beach on Sunday, say noonish??  We'll be there, can't visit SD without a trip to the beach!  It's all about the girls!  Besides it's the least I can do since they will be subjected to Halloween costumes Saturday night! lol


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Oh I do wish I could be there!  I was born in San Diego, but more important is getting together with other doodles!!  Have fun!!

I have a class at UCSD until 1:00. After that i would need to drive home and get Gracie Doodle. We just live 5 mins from dog beach. We can be there no later than 2:00. If anyone is planning on staying later we can meet up where we did last time on the channel. Just let me know!
We can stick around. Sassparilla can play for hours! Just spent four days at the river and she demanded play from sunrise to sunset! Lol
Kathy, we're from the long beach area but try to hit ocean beach every chance we get. Loves this beach.

I will check my calendar.

I think we will pass.  With all the talk of the high /strong currents for this week, I'm sure the "Bacteria" signs will out on the beach.  Stu can't afford to come in contact with that and I prefer to keep Enzo out of it too.Have fun guys!

thanks for the heads up, Ro.  My mom's move was postponed from Friday to Monday, so guess who will be packing on Saturday and Sunday????

We're having a bite to eat then will be there close to the 2 pm with Nancie and Gracie doodle

Hope you had a great time!  We are still moving my mom's stuff - still. . . . still . . . . still . . . .   SO TIRED OF THIS.

We ended up not getting food, no parking anywhere!  There was a volleyball event going on so parking was tough.  We arrived around 1:15pm and played in the sand for a while but the ball Sassy was using was collecting way too much sand se we headed for the water.  Bacteria warnings didn't seem to bother anyone, tons of dogs at the beach.  Tide was high when we got there, the break wall was completely submerged!  Surprisingly Josie was the first one in the water??  Sassy was getting sick, think it was all the sand she was consuming, so we only stayed until 3:30 then headed home.  Met a few new doodles which is always fun.  We missed Nancie and Gracie doodle?? 

Next time we need to plan lunch at Shades, Sassy and I both have a free meal coming with the photo contest she won a while back.

November 8-9 we are having to completely gut half of the garage for the termite guys, NOT looking forward to it. 


Gutting the garage sounds as much fun as moving my mom!



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