Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum


Sorry if this has already been discussed or if there is another group --but does anyone volunteer with their dog as a Therapy Dog Team?  I'd like to learn more, where to take classes, pass the tests, etc.  So far I've learned that there are several organizations that certify dogs, Bright and Beautiful, and Delta to name two.  What is best in Orange County?  Anyone out there a trainer/evaluator?



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Thanks for your post.  I looked up Pet Prescription Team--who was your trainer?  Do you know where you will be going with your dog?  Let us know how it goes!

Hi Helen, Kirby and Martha!


I'm also interested in Therapy Dog work!  Thanks so much Martha for posting, it will be a while before I'm able to do this, but I'm getting all the info I can now.



Hi Julie

It might be a little while before I can do this too, we still need to complete basic obedience class.  Several people have suggested that my dog would make a good therapy dog, so I hope to get all the info and make a plan.  Maybe I'll see you in a therapy class!

I would search Delta Society's site for local groups and find out if they have facilities they visit...and check Bright and Beautiful.  Compare their requirements and what opportunities they have and pick the one that best suits you.  I am a member of Delta (with family in SoCal but I live in WA state) and fine with it but there are few of us locally so it does not matter much where I live.  I am not familiar with Bright and Beautiful. is a good site. I was just checking it out as I've always wished I could take my dogs to visit seniors, but felt they each might have some issues. Click on "Become a Pet Partners team" then on Step 3 check out Skills and Aptitude to see how close your dog is to being ready. That removed all doubts that my current dogs may not be right for the role, but maybe when I get my doodle!  Good info, Adina!  Thanks!

Hi Helen!  First I suggest you join the Doodle Kisses Therapy Dog group.  Even though it is nationwide, you can get some good insight into what types of therapy there are, and the challenges of getting tested, etc.  I belong to Bright & Beautiful, since last summer.  I chose this organization because the CGC (canine good citizen test) is not a requirement.  Since I didn't know how well my dog would do with therapy work, I wanted to get started quickly, and not invest a lot of extra time if it didn't work out.  Turns out, we ended up getting our CGC anyway, so if I had known, I might have joined Delta Society, which does require CGC.

Anyway, what I think is important is to figure out what type of therapy work you'd like to try.  I initially wanted to volunteer at CHOC hospital, but they require a one-year commitment and membership in either Delta Society or TDI.  But in my Therapy Dog class, I met a women who works at Kaiser Hospital (Lakeview) and I decided I'd like to volunteer there.  So that's where we've been.  Bright & Beautiful also do a lot of assisted living visits locally.  There are other organizations that specialize in reading programs, where a young child will read to the dog.  A lot depends on your dogs temperment, and where you'd like to spend your time.  It's very worthwhile, so I wish you the best in whatever you decide!



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