Sorry I just need to vent why do some Regular Ed teacher have to pick on Special Ed kids, I have one I work(teacher) with she always thinks one of my kids is going to escalate without giving him the chance to prove himself It gets me soo irritated and then She can't remember the students name and this student is in her class plus she has yet to work with my student Thanks for letting me vent!!!
She sounds a little inexperienced. Maybe you can tell her that you don't think she is giving the student a fair chance and just to relax a little. She is probably feeling frustrated about what she needs to do also.
I am sympathetic to your special ed kids and hope that all kids in every class are getting a fair shake. I am a regular ed teacher with two fully included autistic kids in my class. One is having a super difficult time adjusting to all the sensory input of the new school year. The other 29 kids in the class are having an extra ordinary learning and concentrating with very frequent and very loud outbursts. I consider myself to be a supportive and understanding teacher and am trying every which way to reach her. So far with little success. My point... there are two sides to this coin and we all need to try to walk in each others shoes. All of us want all kids to have the best learning situation. We all need to remeber what patience and skill it takes to make it work for everyone.
Thank you for your comments I feel your right it was a rough day I will have to talk with my regular ed teacher today, she wasn't around after school yesterday, might of been a good thing. Today is a new day Karen good luck with your class you are so correct Patience is the key
Karen ! 30 students with 2 autistic! Bless You!!
With the state regs and standards you have a tough job without the inclusion kids!
I have a Cross Category Jr High Resource Room...1 student leaves for Math one time a day.
They all leave for gym...none of them can survivie a reg ed day all day, for every reason from autistic, emotional, to Cognitive ...