Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I was mopping my floors today and had the TV on to the show, The Chew.  Well, my ears perked up when I heard Daphne Oz (daughter of Dr. Oz) mention apple cider vinegar. Since she is considered the "healthy one" on the show, I thought I would put down the mop and listen. Daphne wanted to share a few homemade remedies for aiding with digestion.

I thought it was interesting, although I will not be drinking ACV :) I wasn't sure what group to post this in, so I picked this group. Any opinions??

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Laurie, really???? ACV??? Are you trying to drive me out of my mind once and for all???

I had no idea there was a show called The Chew, and at first I thought you made it up and that this was going to be one of your humorous blogs. Imagine my despair disappointment when I found that you were serious and there really is such a show.

The digestive problems of most people (and dogs) I know have very little to do with not having enough stomach acid, in fact, quite the opposite. JD has to take Pepcid twice a day to help with his digestive issues, and judging by the number of TV commercials for antacids, reflux and heartburn, he's not alone. When was the last time you heard a commercial that said "Hey, do you need more stomach acid?"

Here is what I found on the subject of vinegar and digestion. (note that it applies to all vinegar, not just ACV, there is nothing special about apple cider as opposed to any other kind of vinegar, other than the relative acidity) :

"not everyone agrees that vinegar is that beneficial. Katherine Zeratsky, R.D.,  L.D., of the Mayo Clinic warns that vinegar is highly acidic and, thus, may harm  your throat if consumed frequently or in excess. Vinegar may also cause harmful  drug interactions for some individuals, such as those taking  insulin or diuretics."

Read more:

"Apple cider can be very acidic and irritating to a sensitive stomach. Generally it should be tolerated but if you have an ulcer or other inflammatory process of the upper GI tract, the cider could be causing the lesion to be symptomatic. Discuss this with your internist."  Dr. Otto J. Placik (Dr. Placik received his medical degree, (graduating from the Honors Program in Medical Education) from Northwestern University)


"The risks of occasionally taking small amounts of apple cider vinegar are low.  But apple cider vinegar taken long term can have risks. Apple cider vinegar is  highly acidic and quite harsh. Taken undiluted, apple cider vinegar can damage  tooth enamel, gums and throat tissue. Apple cider vinegar could also lower  potassium levels in the body, affecting bone density. Apple cider vinegar can  interact with diuretics, laxatives, diabetes  medications,  heart disease medications or other drugs. Always talk to your doctor before  taking apple cider vinegar." (also from Katherine Zeratsky Mayo Clinic)

Read more:  Does Raw Apple Cider Vinegar Really Cure Anything? |

So the ACV people can go ahead and have a nip without me...or JD.

PS: If you ever feel like visiting, my floors could use a good mopping, and I provide much better entertainment than Daphne Oz.


Oh, and PSS: My father was an MD, too, as well as a Professor of Medicine, and I'm pretty darned healthy. Maybe I should be on TV giving people health advice!

Well, my father was not an MD but I say hokum anyhow, I think I'm entitled : ) Daphne may be pretty but I think I'll call her Daffy Daphne. And as to Dr. Oz, he's stepping further out on a limb daily. I think he should return to the OR and leave us alone! I was so busty gulping the ACV and viewing all the activity in the Photography Group I just got to this : )

Karen, Have I said lately that I love you ?? I was afraid to post this in the Food Group. LOL  I believe you. Now, remember I didn't say I was going to do it or put it on Vern and Fudge's neck this time.  I just thought it would spice up DK just a little and especially the Science Group :) I wonder how many people will do this after seeing the show. I bet F is gulping the stuff as I write :)  Oh, and if it is any consolation they did have a good recipe for baked beans that used ACV.  The baked beans had Polish sausage and bacon in it, which I found funny when talking about an upset stomach later in the show.

Now I see why you don't do much cooking, Laurie. You are a very poor judge of what needs spicing up. :-)

So when are you coming to mop my floors?

Karen, I agree with you. I should never cook again :) LOL When you have a dog like Vern, you have to mop every week. No kidding. He is the messiest dog on the planet. Surely JD has better manners than Vern and no mopping is needed.

Don't I wish! JD has wonderful manners, but he could give Vern a run for his kibble in the messy department!

Dr. Oz's daughter or not, this is what I would do before drinking any diluted ACV to settle my upset stomach ! :)

Perfect! Perhaps you should be on TV advising people on health issues, Sheila!

We could do it together Karen. You can do all the fancy explaining, and I'll do the visuals ! :)

Pefect again! Now we just have to come up with a name for our show. It seems that things that rhyme with "screw" are popular choices. The View, the Chew....


Doodle advise, just for YOU, featuring Karen and JD too ! So it can be "Doodle You !"

With Sheila Bond her co-host too, whos visuals will mortify you ! 



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