We have been feeding Sunny Orijen food for months now. He was on Wellness when he was a puppy and that lasted about 7-8 months, and then we switchen to Orijen puppy and now he's 14 months, and on Orijen Adult. I'm starting to have 2nd thoughts about feeding him grain-free. He's a house dog and gets about 45 mins or more of exercise per day (walk) and more on weekends (1.5 hrs each day). I don't know if he should be eating such a high protein diet when he's really not that active.
I'm starting to doubt my choice now, mostly because he recently had a really bad bladder/kidney infection and when I started reading up on it, I learned that too much protein can often be harder on the kidneys to digest and can put more strain on them. I'm not saying that this is the reason for his infection, but if he in being strained more due to eating grain-free, maybe I should start adding grain back into his diet?
I like Orijen because it doesn't have a list of ingredients/chemicals/preservatives 3 miles long and all the top ingredients are "real". I've been looking at some options for other foods, and have come up with a few, and they are: Go! Natural, Innova, and going back to Wellness. Originally, we switched him off of Wellness puppy because he had runny poop all the time, but who's to say the Adult formula would cause the same?
I hate the idea of changing his food again, but I want what's best for my pup!
Also, what are your thoughts on mixing foods? California Natural has various good quality foods (or so I read), but they are single source protein, like Herring & Sweet Potato, Lamb Meal & Rice, Chicken Meal & Rice...so I'm wondering if mixing them would be ok, so my pup could get a variety of protein sources? The California Natural seems good on the ingredient side of things, but it seems to be missing things like Acidophilus, which helps instill the good bacteria back into the system.
I'm so confused! I know so many of you have food problems with your pets. If only they could talk and tell us what kind of food they want :)