Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I meant well. I was looking for a chew object that would last a while and help keep JD's teeth free of tartar. Of course, it had to be made in the U.S. and something that would appeal to Mr. Picky Fussy Doodle.
But the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
The bone splintered, and JD has been walking around with bone shards inside him for at least ten days. An angel must have been watching over him, and he is going to be okay. If there is anything left in there, it didn't show on the Xrays, and the vet feels confident it will pass on its own.
Now on to Jack's stupid mother.
I hereby nominate myself for the Food Group Hall of Shame. I stood there in the store and looked at that thing, and debated with myself. I wasn't sure if it was safe. But then again, it was made in the USA, and it was very large, and it was meant for dogs. They wouldn't sell it if it was unsafe for dogs, would they? (Would a doodle go poop in the woods?)
Yes, this is me who thought that and bought it anyway. And if you have the urge to slap me right now, go ahead. I deserve it.
Have I ever used the word research? I must not have, because look what I just found, too late to help JD, but maybe not too late to help your dogs:

Watch out for Real Ham Bone for dogs

The Food and Drug Administration is looking into a treat called Real Ham Bone for Dogs after reports that it killed dogs and sickened others
According to this Associated Press report, the FDA is investigating the product — a smoked pig femur sold as a dog treat or chew bone — that is distributed under the Dynamic Pet Products label of Frick's Quality Meats in Washington, Mo.
The Better Business Bureau of St. Louis said it has fielded consumer complaints about the Real Ham Bone from throughout the U.S. The BBB said Thursday that concerns arose after the bones splintered, then ulcerated or obstructed the dogs' intestines. Consumers reported their dogs had become lethargic or were vomiting. One man came home to find his dog dead, bleeding from the mouth.


This is what I gave my dog. I can't get over it. I'd be having a drink right now if I didn't feel so sick to my stomach. I'm not sure it was the same brand, but so what? This warning is all over the internet if you look for it. Why didn't I check out how safe ham bones are for dogs before I gave one to the dog who is the center of my universe?
If they'd recalled the damn thing, we'd probably have known about this. But they didn't. The article is from March, and they are evidently not done with the investigation, because it's still on the shelves. I bought it last week.

Please be smarter than I was about what you give your dog.

I am so ashamed.


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Replies to This Discussion

I know people run them through the dishwasher and reuse them forever. I'm sure some of mine are years old, they're like petrified wood.
Yes, in the butcher section but those aren't the only bones that have marrow. I was just clarifying the long bones , femurs really, as opposed to hip bones etc. There is marrow in other bones like vertebrae, sternum etc. In people marrow is usually biopsied from the hip or sometimes sternum, not fun.
Karen don't blame yourself. These ham bones shouldn't be sold in the stores! Where do you suggest getting marrow bones?
At the butcher counter in the grocery store; they will cut them for you, and you can choose really long ones, to be safe.
None of our local grocery store butchers will cut the marrow bones. Liability issues or... hell just lack of old time customer service now days.

We place ours in a vice and jigsaw them in half. A pain, but worth the effort.
Wow, after sawing the bones once, never again if I can help it. But the local supermarket hat nice packages of just right bones today so I made the doods a holiday surprise. Heck if they can cut bones lickety split with those big table saw things they have, package them and make money, they'll do it.
Don't be ashamed Karen!!!! Take a drink (lol).

We are so happy that Jack is going to be ok!!! Doodle Kisses to JD from Allie <3
Karen, you have nothing to be ashamed of...Heaven knows we have all bought treats and toys for our doodles that were not good for them somwhere alon g the line. You have taught us so much as far as food and treats, and other things for our doodles...Just chalk this one up to a lesson well learned...Jack is fine, and that is all that is important. You are a wonderful doodle Mom and you and everyone else knows that to be a fact...After you stop punishing yourself, calm down, have that glass of wine, snuggle with JD, and then just relax....Just for the record, I just threw away a couple of bones that my guys have had for quite some time. they are white bones with holes on each end that I used to fill with peanutbutter for them, but I don't remember what they are really made of, so out they go. I bought them at petsupermarket, so until I can read the labels again, they are gone. So you see, you have helped a doodle Mom again with your knowledge...So I say thanks...Cheryl
BTW Karen, I think you should put a reference to this discussion on the front page so that more people can be informed.
I wonder if it should go in the recall section, too. It isn't technically a recall, but....
So what, you make the rules and it could be helpful!
"FDA is Looking Into"...... is good enough to get my attention



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