issue as well... that and the whole smell/look/yuck of dog who is
eating raw and then wants to give the toddler kisses... EWWW.
So I get the concept... food will have good protein, is ancestral based,
good water content, chewing bones is good for teeth, taking apart a
carcass is good for jaws and also slows down the eating process vs.
gulping down kibble and possibly over eating... poo should be more
compact due to less waste, could be cheaper than the high quality
kibble as you can look for butchers and good deals. I think of it a lot
like someone going from eating fast food (kibble) and switching to a
"clean diet" meaning nothing processed... but maybe there is a middle
road... something like homecooked? I just am not sure I can stomach the
idea of watching the dog tear into a carcass even if it is good for
him... and not sure how the kids will handle it or where to even feed
him -- certainly not in my kitchen or the crate which has all his
blankets and such in it and is it so good for them that it is worth
feeding the dog outside all the time... which I don't think he would
like (very social these doodles are). Even outside I would guess there
could be a mess.
I know they have products that are pre-ground
(so you lose the bone chewing/tearing apart a carcass benefit) but it
would still be raw, still be should be better than kibble according to
the arguments put out there.
Just been feeling a tad guilty
about the kibble ever since the pup came home because I did really
agree with most of what I was reading about the raw stuff. Would be
fine if someone talks me into why kibble is still great... just trying
to figure out what will work out best for this pup who is our family's
first dog.
Jen G.