Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Lloyd is almost 5 months old and just got neutered. I'm trying to find him some long lasting chew treats while he recovers and has to stay calm. I got him a 2 pack of Whimzees but just saw on the wrapping stating that it's for dogs 9 months and older. I'm curious why?

I'm trying to find something that is long lasting and safe. He loves beef trachea but it's so smelly and oily that once he's done his fur is pretty gross. He's lost interest in bully sticks and he was never into his antler. Frozen kings with PB, pumpkin, and yogurt don't keep his interest either (too much work maybe). I got him highly digestible rawhide but those are gone in 5 minutes.

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Angus loves the elk and deer antlers he has, but sometimes he only wants it when someone is there sitting with him to hold it, lol. He has also really enjoyed the Nylabone "durachew" toys..they are not edible and are made from hard plastic. They have different shapes and textures also...these are our other go-to type toys for him to gnaw on

The Durachew line is the one JD's IMS recommended to us. I use the gigantic, nubbed bone for "powerful chewers": 



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