Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Carley, my 13 week old puppy loves to eat plants.  Her very favorite things are sticks, grass, rosehips, thistles, pinecones, and cedar chips.  I'm constantly stopping her and taking things out of her mouth.  She also eats her regular food, and enjoys snacking on carrots, apples, cheese . . . pretty much anything I offer her.  She's growing, she's healthy . . . but this morning she puked up what looked like a nest (sticks & grass).  She's not acting sick at all, but it would be REally nice to be able to take her into the backyard with out her trying to eat holes in my lawn, or go on walks where she would not try to pick up and swallow every pinecone and stick she encounters . . .


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I've got the same issue with my 17 week old, Baylie. Her primary food group seems to be shredded hardwood mulch. I love the description "nest" because she's had two regurgitations that look just like that. Both times, I've been awakened by the urp, urp sounds early in the morning as she barfs on the bedspread. "Good morning"!!

EWwwww! LOL  The grossest part is they then commence eating thier own puke GAH!!!

I had the same problem with Luci until she was about 1.  She's 17 months now and has finally... mostly... stopped.  The house behind ours has huge trees that are constantly shedding branches, acorns, pine cones, etc... Drove me up the wall, shredded sticks all over the house, worrying about her choking on one.  I was unable to let her go in the back yard for even 5 minutes without me until recently.  Basically, just trying to tell you it does get better :D.

That's reassuring, Jennifer. I have the same problem with both of my boys (but Lachlan's by far the worst). Shrubbery, sticks, rocks (eek!), anything fabric, basically anything he can get down his throat. I can't take my eyes off of him outside. Or Declan, because if Lach doesn't see it first Dec does and will bring it to him to eat!

She needs to be kept on leash when outdoors, always, and you will need to keep her collar high on her neck so that you can keep her head up. No sniffing the ground while on walks. I would also start working on "leave it" and "drop it".

This too shall pass...........

Truly most dogs outgrow digging and eating everything, but it takes a while.

When do they outgrow digging? In the geriatric ward?

I'm fairly convinced Luna is part cow.  Thankfully she doesn't eat most things like sticks, she just shreds them... however she will uproot grass and eat the roots (and attached dirt).  The reason I'm convinced she must be part cow is she doesn't throw it up I guess it just goes right through!

I second the suggestion to train "leave it" - Luna is pretty good about it now and will turn away from something she's heading towards.

But this sort of thing keeps me from using any pesticides or herbicides.

Yeah absolutely - I'd rather have weeds than potentially harm an animal.  My neighbors have their lawn sprayed twice a year and I keep Luna far away for a few days afterwards.



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