Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

First, let me introduce our new addition, Maxi..she is an 9 week old GSD.  We picked her up last Friday.  The breeder called me on Monday to tell me that one of the puppies has giardia.  We took Maxi to the vet that day anyways for her checkup (for pet insurance) and fecal…and behold, the next day, the vet called with the results…giardia.  Her poop (until last night) has been solid, which is why I am so shocked with this it has turned to soft serve, and she woke us up every 2 hours last night (thankfully) to go out…where before, she was pooping about every 4 hrs, and able to hold it throughout the night.  I have been VERY diligent with cleaning her bottom, all the dog beds, toys and having her and Woody poop in separate areas of the yard..on leash.  I was reading through past posts, and I am going to use Jane's paper plate method, so it doesn't touch the grass. Also, does anyone know if giardia cysts can survive in freezing temps? I keep reading about moist environments...

I am terrified b/c of what we went through with Woody…luckily with the knowledge I have from DK, I am giving Maxi IFlora along with the Panacur (liquid form) that the vet prescribed (5 day treatment)…so hopefully this giardia does not have lasting effects on her GI system.  She is on Eukanuba LBP, my plan was to keep her on this until 10-12 weeks old, then switch to Acana..but now, I am going to hold off until we get things squared away. My question is,now with her soft stools, should I stop Eukanuba and feed her chicken and sweet potatoes?

Thank you in advance

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Ok, I may do that tomorrow..bring in his fecal..Maxi is 100% on Acana Wild Prarie..and doing great on it! solid poop, about 4 times a day, and Iflora at night. And we give her boiled chicken for training treats.

Wow, this is a tough one. It doesn't seem like either of them needs to be treated. 

Jill, can you ask if they are doing a fecal flotation test or an ELISA test (also called a "snap test") ? The latter measures giardia antigens and you can have false positives for any dog who has had giardia. The float test is more accurate and actually tests for the presence of giardia cysts. If your vet is using the antigen test, this may sound crazy, but I don't know if i would treat either one of them. 

Thank you!! I will call them first thing in the morning and find out which test..I checked my bill, but it doesn't give me any just says fecal. If in fact it is a snap/ELISA test, should I say I want the float done before treating? Thank you again so much for everything...

It's really hard for me to advise you not to treat a puppy with a positive giardia test. I'm really not sure what to do. Panacur is pretty safe, but I don't think I'd treat Woody. Maybe explain to the vet your concerns and the fact that both dogs are having good poop and showing no signs of giardia, and ask if it's possible that Maxi had a false positive? And if there is any risk in postponing treatment? 

Ok, so they send the fecal out to a lab, and run both the float and ELISA test..Maxi tested negative to ova and cysts, and positive on the ELISA test.  I bought Panacur for her, but declined for Woody..she will be on a 7 day treatment…when I bring her stool sample back in one month, I will bring Woody's too..and test it to be on the safe side.  What do you think about the test results Karen?

I think she doesn't have active giardia any more, and you are probably in the clear on both of them. The positive results on the ELISA test were just antibodies, which makes sense because she did have giardia. The Panacur is probably not necessary, but won't hurt her and best to be on the safe side.

Thank you again..I will let you know how things go!!!

Just wanted to update..after two rounds of panacur, Maxi's fecal came back negative for giardia!! And all is going well on Acana WP...and after a few more bags, we will start to rotate through the flavors...Thank you for your help!


Jill, Woody and Maxi

Yay! May all go well with Maxi's digestion from here on out!

And what a great picture! looks like Woody is saying "Hey, Mom, doesn't this puppy have an "Off" switch?" 

What a beautiful pair you have! Glad that both are well!

Great news!

Such great news. Such a gorgeous puppy. I love GSD's had a wonderful one many years ago. Faithful, smart and devoted and so gentle.



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