Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Yes, but we don't have the results back yet. I had one of those vials from the vet in my cabinet, so I was able to get a sample this morning and refrigerate it. My neighbor came over for lunch and I wouldn't let her get near the fridge...she has 5 kids so she should understand! lol
The other thing that is puzzling is his temperature (104). The vet said text him anytime if his condition worsens. I just fed him the Science Diet (cringing), and he ate it all, so now I will monitor him to see if he can keep it down. Guess I'm gonna sit in front of the Tv tonight...and wait.
I was trying to ignore the Science Diet, lol. It isn't medicine, and is full of corn and other junk. If the goal was to add fiber, some pumpkin or sweet potato would have done that. I'm not sure what fiber is supposed to do for this anyway. If there's a partial obstruction, bulking up the stool isn't going to fix that, and if there an infection in the GI tract, fiber isn't going to cure that either, although it does help move things along faster, which is important when dealing with GI disease.
The temperature is making me think that there may be a GI infection, but I don't know. I hope he just gets better without any further testing required.
Hope Kramer feels better soon. Hopefully you have solved the problem by removing the stuffed toys. I twill be good not to have to worry about switching foods.
Chester likes chewing strings and tags.but doesn't tear apart stuffies - yet.
BTW I love your Profile Picture. He is sweet.
Just tuning in. How is dear Kramer today?
Kramer is doing much better today. His appetite is back, he ate quite a bit last night. He's still not himself 100% but fortunately, I am able to work from home today to keep him calm and quiet and to monitor him.
This morning I was outside examining the poop and discovered a tapeworm, so I quickly bagged it up and went to the vet. He's on medicine for that now too. They told me it had nothing to do with the other, which I'm not quite sure about. Our vet was off today, so I will ask him about it tomorrow. I am not feeding him the Science Diet because his poop for fairly firm this morning. I question adding a new food to his diet when he has a sensitive stomach to begin with and since he was actively eating last night, I'd rather give him a sweet potato for more fiber than corn. Thank goodness I have this forum to bring questions to and balance out all the information. (on a side note, the vet did not charge me for the food - he just gave it to me in a bag to try for a few days - he's a good guy.)
Vomiting can definitely be a sign of tapeworms:
The tapeworm is a larger parasite that is made up of several segments. These segments, called proglottids, carry tapeworm eggs and may detach from the body of the tapeworm. These segments may be visible in the feces of the dog or come out of the dog's rectum when he sleeps. Each proglottid is the size of a rice grain and may move or be still.
Other signs and symptoms of dog tapeworms include:
Read more: Dog Tapeworm Symptoms - VetInfo
At any rate, the new meds will kill the tapeworms within 24 hours. I think discontinuing the SD food and adding sweet potatoes is a good idea. I hope Kramer continues to do well.
When my daughter's dog had a tapeworm she would exhibit the same symptoms as your Kramer. I think I mentioned this before in the beginning of the discussion. The vet and my daughter finally figured out she would end up getting one every time my daughter took her to the doggie area for her apartment building. The vet thought another dog in the building must have been spreading them via the mosquitos in that area. Ever since my daughter stopped taking her dog there she has not had another one. You may want to think back to places you have been with Kramer.
Tapeworms are usually associated with fleas.
Poor Kramer with a Tape worm-
Makes me wonder if he somehow knew and that is why he started eating the stuffing to defeat the Tapeworm.
Glad he is feeling better- I to learn so much from this forum.
I just love this idea! "Hey tapeworm, you want something to eat? Here, try some stuffing!"
LOL - It's just one of our Doodles many talents!
Kramer is doing much better today. We live in Florida so this may not be our last run in with tapeworms. I'm just grateful I was able to find it because the vet said his stool sample came back negative.
I'm going to wait to change his food til I run out of these bags of Orijen Puppy, but at least I can eliminate one of the issues. Hopefully the erratic vomiting ends now, whether it was stuffing or tapeworms. He still has an abundance of black ear wax which I will deal with next! I'm grateful for this forum too. Whew! What a trying few days it's been!
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