I read some info today suggesting Pedialyte or Pedialyte Popsicles are good to give to dogs suffering from dehydration / exhaustion. I was wondering if anyone had experience with this. When Astro comes home from his two mile walk...he is panting so severly I think he might expire. I was thining a nice Pedialyte Posicle might perk him up.
You have to measure the danger of dehydration with this most likely, small, temporary effect. Sucralose is Splenda and is otherwise safe...and this was a study in rats. So I wouldn't jump to any final conclusions about its safety..especially not in situations like dehydration that are more immediately life threatening.
I'm glad you posted this Yvonne - Callie pants SO heavily just on a normal walk that I really do find it alarming, and I was wondering if she needed electrolyte replacement. I didn't want to give her gatorade (pedialyte never occurred to me) so I was thinking about giving her the mixture they gave me in Israel when I didn't drink enough on a hike - it was a mixture of water, salt, and honey. Per the doctor (I was dehydrated, had some heat stroke and kept fainting and vomiting out of all ends- It was SO embarrassing) this mixture gives you what your body needs in a more natural, easier to absorb way than gatorade. It tastes like slightly sweet sweat so while it helped me a lot then, I have kept with more pleasingly flavored commercial products for myself.
All this is WAY more info than any of you needed, so sorry about that. The main question is does my dood need this mixture or does she just pant heavily? I get worried that she's going to keel.
It alarms me so....the whole house seems to shake. The other day I stopped short of hosing Astor down with cool water. Just trying to make my dood's life better.
I think we also have to remember that loud heavy panting in dogs is similar to heavy sweating in us, because dogs can't sweat; the only way they can release heat is to pant. It sounds alarming, but it usually isn't. It usually stops as soon as they get some water and lie down in a cool place, just like we stop sweating as soon as we get into a cool air conditioned space.
My vet recommended Pedialyte for Grover when he was quite sick last month....mainly just for hydration from vomiting and diarrhea. He didn't like the taste, so that made my decision easy:)