Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I read some info today suggesting Pedialyte or Pedialyte Popsicles are good to give to dogs suffering from dehydration / exhaustion.  I was wondering if anyone had experience with this.  When Astro comes home from his two mile walk...he is panting so severly I think he might expire.  I was thining a nice Pedialyte Posicle might perk him up. 

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I don't know about pedialyte, I know when I have been worried about Tyson when he's been sick, we have given him smart water. Since it's just plain water with electrolytes, I figure it's one of the best things. I'd be interested to know if anyone has used the pedialyte though!
Did the article define dehydration or exhaustion? Rosco pretty much pants up a storm after a walk in anything above 65 degrees it seems...but I'd not call it true dehydration/exhaustion. It probably wouldn't hurt but may not be any more necessary than water. Sort of like Gatorade is not really needed except in major exercise/effort....
I guess that heavy panting is a doodle trait. We are talking walk not run. Smile. The stories I read focused more on the dehydration...really sick even mention after eating rat poisen. Guess I would ask my vet first as Karen has posted some stuff below. Always trying to keep Astro happy and healthy...and summers in TN are HOT HOT HOT.
That's the key. Just tired and panting (cuz that's a major way dogs SWEAT) is not dehydration. All Astro needs is a place to cool off/relax and drink water. Special hydration measures shouldn't be necessary under normal conditions.
But he is took big for the fridge! Hope you are going to have a GREAT Memorial Day Weekend!
Same to you!
Yvonne, can you give us the source of the info you read?
I'd have to look at the ingredients in Pedialyte, but I don't know how much good that will do, because I'm pretty sure there are vitamins and minerals in it besides the electrolytes, and it will be tough to figure out if the percentages are right for dogs. I know their requirements are different from humans. If the source of the info is reliable, that might be enough.
Pedialyte contains an artificial sweetener called sucralose. Here is some information about a study showing adverse effects in animals from sucralose:

"A Duke University study, commissioned and funded by a sugar industry lobbying group,[28] found evidence that doses of Splenda of between 100 and 1000 mg/kg, containing sucralose at 1.1 to 11 mg/kg (compare to the FDA Acceptable Daily Intake of 5 mg/kg), reduced the amount of good bacteria in the intestines of rats by up to 50%, increased the pH level in the intestines, contributed to increases in body weight, and affected the levels of P-glycoprotein (P-gp).[29] These effects have not been reported in humans."
Geez now I don't want to give it to a dog or a baby.
Peri does the same thing after walks - even if she gets enough water. The panting is normal I think. PEri is always smiling while she is doing it =)
These darn TN summers are up and running. Driving me nuts already. The older I get the more I like the winter (used to be the opposite)!
Yvonne, it's okay for kids. It's been around a long time. My pediatrician prescribed it for my daughter 25 years ago! And I think it is significant that that study was commissioned by a sugar industry lobbying group. Those are the guys who got saccharin taken off the market.
But I think Adina's right that Astro probably doesn't need it. I'm sure plain water is fine for most tired, hot, thirsty dogs.
I'm sticking with water and an occasional ice cube. Free! My little Allyson does well with Gatorade when she is under the weather. Have a superfantastic Memorial Day Weekend!



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