Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hi - I am new to the food group! I have an 11 week old F1b mini goldendoodle named Zara.  When she came home at 7.5 weeks old she was only 2 pounds 11oz, she is now 6.5 pounds at 11 weeks old.  I'm very happy with her weight gain as she looked to thin and was all bones when I picked her up from the breeder.  The breeder said she had her litter on Eukanuba puppy growth food so of course we went and got that before bringing Zara home.  When we got home she would not eat the kibble at all.  I tried wetting it so it was soft, mixing with chicken and rice, and should would pick around the kibble and eat everything else.  I went to a holistic dog store and got ZiwiPeak Lamb food and she gobbles it down like nobodies business. 

I am currently feeding her 3x per day about 20 grams per meal, so a total of 60 grams. 6am,12pm,6pm

Zara always seems hungry, she tries to get treats 24/7 and we do give her a good amount of training treats throughout the day.  She also sits in the kitchen by the drawer where her food is.  I almost feel like i'm not feeding her enough but by her weight gain it appears I am.  Is this normal for a puppy to be hungry all the time and begging for treats? I also think she would eat till she's sick.  She went from not touching her food for days to eating ZiwiPeak in 2 minutes at each meal for the last 2 weeks.  


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Well, you're certainly feeding her enough, according to Ziwi Peak's feeding guidelines. 

I think Zara was not getting enough to eat before she came to you, and therefore might be trying to make up for lost time, so to speak. She's used to being hungry all the time, and it might just take a little while for her to adjust to having enough to eat. 

Thanks for the reassurance Karen! Do you think ZiwiPeak is a good option for a puppy?  We were recommended it by the specialty pet store and I did do a bit of searching online and I saw it is on your recommended food list in the group, but was wondering if it's ideal for a puppy.  At the time we got it I was just so happy she was finally eating and liking her food and the bag says "all life stages".  

Ziwi Peak is a very good brand. Not too many of us use it as a main food because of the cost; It's not bad when you have a 6 lb puppy, but mutitply that by 10, 12, or 15 and you get the idea, lol. 

As long as she likes it and is doing well on it (gaining weight, good digestion, good stool), I'd leave well enough alone for now. 

Both of my dogs are very food motivated. They act hungry right after they eat and are always interested if they think there is food to be found anywhere. Both are appropriate weight and getting plenty to eat. I think some dogs are just more food oriented and interested in eating than others. Neither of mine could ever be free fed, they'd eat until they made themselves sick. LOL

Good to know she's not the only one who would eat till she's sick! :)

Thank you!

if there is any food anywhere, my pup will be there, giving you sad puppy dog eyes like he has been starving all day, when in reality he probably just finished his dinner (and plenty of it).  then we'll take him outside and he'll eat dried worms in public like we don't feed him at home

the good thing about pups that love food, is that its easy to train them with it! 

"all life stages" food should be fine for puppies

I have a 6 month old sheepadoodle, Bella. She is small compared to other females her age (she was 39 lbs last week at her spay). But OMG she is like your pup- you would think she was being starved to death.

When I got her from her breeder she was on PURINA (just kill me now). So I tried a different brand and Karen thankfully suggested I check out the food list. So now she is on FROMM puppy. She loves it but is still starving! She gets a tad over 3 cups a day (I rounded up to 40 lbs), but she would knock all of us down for anything she perceives to be edible (that means furniture, trash (my cans are hidden now), she has learned to get into the  pantry (YES turning the handle-it's the poodle in her having had several standards before).

So, bottom line, I don't know what the deal is. My vet says not to go to a high protein food. (Now I usually ignore the vet as she sells a lot of Purina products so we don't discuss nutrition). I am in a doodle "support-play group" and they said when they were puppies they all acted like they were starving. My standards all were fed a large bowl of kibble (high end) and they ate as desired. All were thin-perfect. Had as much food as they wanted but never over ate. So for ME I'm wondering if it's just as my vet said "the personality of the individual dog" or if it's (for me) the Sheep Dog in her...

Welcome to the group! And Hope Zara gives you as much happiness as Bella has given me...although around month 4 I was her chew toy-but that passes!

Karen and Bella

Hi Karen! It's nice to hear this is normal puppy behavior. Bella sounds like a gem! :)



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