Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I'm sorry to sound like a broken record but we are still having trouble with yeti not eating. We fully switched over to wellness puppy a couple of days ago. I thought this would be the answer to our prayers. Unfortunately it hasn't been. He sniffs his bowl grabs a mouth full and drops most of it on the floor. Sniffs around the floor, maybe picks up the peices he dropped then lays down. Gets back up eventually and then the process repeats. If I let it go on like this, it could take him 30 + minutes to eat which I know that's a no no. We have been trying the "tough love" technique since Saturday or Sunday with no change (giving him 10 minutes to eat then taking it away).
He gets a 1 1/4 cup of wellness puppy morning and evening. He eats anywhere from 3/4-1 cup in the morning. I give the left overs to him on top of his usual dinner. He eats even less of that because of the additional from breakfast.
He is very happy and seemingly healthy. Drinks a a lot and has so much energy. I'm just worried that at 5 months old, he isn't getting enough calories for the day.
I didn't realize you weren't supposed to give him treats throughout the day. (This completely makes sense but I totally spaced it) we are in the middle of training so his not eating right puts a damper on that.

Starting tomorrow we will stop giving him treats during the day until he eats all of his food. Should this process be taking this long? Am I over reacting? Is it possible that his teeth are bothering him. We have found 3 and think he's swolled a couple more within the last week.

I'm at my wits end. If anyone has a success story please please share! I need hope ☺️

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Replies to This Discussion

We don't and never have given treats during the day as part of their diet.  It is not that one is 'supposed to' but many people choose to. As a matter of fact many people who complain about their dogs not eating meals, feed their dogs so many treats that the dogs aren't hungry. 

Do you just reward your dogs with positive reinforcement?
We have a somewhat picky dude. We brought him home at 8 weeks and food was quite an issue for a while. We switched it up multiple times, added toppers etc. Anything to get him to eat his kibble. He was also quite thin so vet was a bit concerned. Well, now at 7 months he enjoys his Orijen puppy. He does not vigorously eat it but within 30 minutes he will empty his bowl. Quicker if I add an egg or other people food. It is totally behavioral. He will wait for us to be done eating. He likes to make sure there isn't anything falling from the table. He will then return to the kibble.
In other words, your pup might change! I wouldn't hesitate to change his food. Ours seems to favor food with a stronger odor.
If his weight is fine I wouldn't wooed too much.
Good luck!
Thank you ☺️



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