Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Mom is just to picky about my eating habits  and she says " I'm Picky". Right. ( eye roll )    Yeah, I throw up food, really don't eat much, don't digest, and my poop is  loose--Gross.   California Natural is okay and I did well eating this food all year but I'd rather have a ball or some toy.  She said it was time for a change and talked about companies and buyouts and whatever.  Can we play ball again before you start talking about poop?  She got that good stuff Fromms but I'm different she says and she started talking to me about Poop again .   Ugh.  Gross. Enough already.


If you want to read about her last blog--CFN/Fromms/Poop/Starlit/Stink  you can refer back to it but really I would rather talk about how you helped her find a replacement food that I really really love.


I'm in food heaven.  I love to eat as much as I love my toys.   For the first time in my life I got in trouble for getting into the container of the new food.   Well, good grief.  You worry I don't eat, then you say -- NO, not so much so fast!  


Acana.   :)   Oh yes I canna.   I canna eat more Acana.   Looking forward to finishing up the CFN  so I can eat the whole bowl. My sister Starlit is a little piggy--I'll just get her to eat the rest.


Our food supplier placed CFN in another isle--back shelf--next to Nutro Max.  Go Figure.  CFN you're still a good food but you lost your place front and center.


She smiled at my poop yesterday ( eww, whatever gross )   Now maybe she will stop talking about this and let me eat. 


Food Group--I thank you, Love Spud




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Replies to This Discussion

LOL. Allie feels the same way Spud.
I know my guys would like Acana, I hear such good things about it. It isn't available in our area, drat!
Nancy, I was ordering it online. It was no more expensive even with the shipping than what I pay at the store. Let me know if you want the site to check out.
I came all prepared to request that the food be ordered by the store we use. Wala--it was already stocked. He watches what is going on in the market and decided to try and carry Acana/Arcana--(I'll figure out the spelling, it's all new to me.)

Most stores can order what you like and if enough requests are made will carry the food all the time. So far, the price is the same as the Evo/CFN
This is great Spud. I am glad you found some food that makes your poop nice. Luv Lady Peri
Is it Acana? Duh. Mom's at work Kiosking again. No spell check, no bag a food, no chair for that matter. She stands and types to the screen way up on the wall. Sounds like they prefer she work and not get to comfy on the computer :)

I'll have her correct her spelling when she comes home tonight. Is there a way to put red little circles ( SP ) all over her papers?
Oh Spud, I'm so happy you found a food that you love and is good for you! It's Murphy's favorite too!
This is so great! Acana is such a good food, and now you won't have to worry about the P & G changeover. I think that's why your retailer moved the CN- they've already brought out a new "grain-free" version of CN that isn't very good, especially for a grain-free food.
Good dog, Spud! May you thrive on your new chow!
Oh happy day! Spud you are so funny!
Yum Woof Woof. I got her to fix some of those typos too :)
Glad to hear it! My local place finally started carrying Acana, so I just got a bag today. Quinn was not a big fan of Orijen, so I'm hoping this goes better.



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