Peanut butter gets 2 of our doodles everytime, though it is tummy trouble that expresses itself on the back end (man no matter how you try and not make that sound bad it is useless). I can not scientifically confirm it, but have 'heard' that there can be mold issues with peanut butter and that this is sometimes perceived as an allergy to the peanut butter rather than a reaction to the mold. Whatever the real story is, in any form it is not worth the hassle here.
Keep in mind that food allergies do not cause the dog to get sick...vomiting and/or diarrhea are symptoms of food intolerance. Food allergies cause allergic symptoms which are impossible to differentiate from environmental allergy symptoms...itching,scratching, biting & licking, infections, etc., without extensive testing. What we're talking about here are food intolerances.
Samantha has been vomiting over the past few days- sometimes her entire dinner and just now basically water. I think we may have figured out what may be triggering it - anyone else have this issue?
After chewing on her ropes toys I am guessing she gags and then vomits. This has never happened before Wednesday - we played with tug toys/ropes in school all the time, this is something new. And it doesn't have to be right after she eats. Very strange.
Permalink Reply by Sine on January 14, 2009 at 11:15pm
Joey threw up and had diarrhea for a few hours after I gave him a bully stick. I don't know if that's what did it but I never gave him another one after that. I still have the dang thing because I too, thought I might give it to him after he got a little older... I give him too-big-for-him raw hides with knotted ends now but never leave him alone with them. Also, I tried Natural Balance and he had the runs the whole time on that food.
Hi Sine, I also give rawhides, but make sure that they are clearly labelled "Made in USA". Just having the distributor's address in this country is not enough, it must say it was made here.
I don't know which natural balance formula you used, but I have found that the completely grain free foods don't work for Jackdoodle, either. If there is some rice in the formula, that helps a lot with firmer stools.