Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I have a 4 month mini doodle and he has only had puppy kibble  (TLC ..a Canadian brand).  We have never given him anything but this kibble and aside from sniffing in some crumbs he does not look to us for table food.  When and what should our first offerings be?  I have been reading a lot of discussions but havent found a link to what is the best route to go??  Thanks for any help ........


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Hi Janet - is there a reason why you want to introduce people food?  I think it is always best if you can just stick to their kibble.  Are you maybe wanting to home cook for your dog instead of feeding kibble?

My only tip is if you want to share food with your pup, don't ever feed your pup from the table or while you are chopping food.  OR ELSE you'll end up with a dog that sits there and begs annoyingly any time food comes out or you're chopping ANYTHING in the kitchen.  Best to take what you want to share with them and put it in their food bowl.  But I'm with BG, why are you wanting to share people food with your dog in the first place?  Just for occasional tastes for fun?  There's really not a big divide in the dog's body about 'people food' vs. 'dog food' except if a dog is sensitive to a certain food/ingredient, a food is dangerous for a dog, or a dog is just sensitive to 'changes' in food. 

Yep, Luna is pretty annoying when I'm chopping vegetables.  I don't mind though, it's nice to have a cooking buddy - I just toss her the occasional veggie over my s houlder :p

Both of my doodles have only had people food when they have had an upset tummy and we have given them rice and boiled chicken. Occasionaly some cheese for training treats. Doodles are counted sniffers and we so did not want them to understand what other food they can get into. If they are into the wrong thing it could be bad! Also agree with other post never feed from table. Nothing more annoying than a dog begging at the table when you are eating. We always give them the food in their bowl or in their treat spot. Yes when I boil chicken I am a magnet but that is the only thing they smell that makes them beg. Zeus loves chicken!

Thanks everyone....I have been pleased that we are not feeding our pup anything but kibble but when I am reading about stuffing Kongs and folks home baking made me wonder when a good time to intro other foods?   i will hold off...certainly don't want a begging pup at the table or at my feet while I am cooking...

We do not give yogi people food per se, at least not off our plates or when I'm cooking in the kitchen. I do use peanut butter/yogurt combo in his kong, and I've used boiled chicken for training treats. I think the main thing is that it is totally separate from our meal time. He never begs or pays any attention to our eating.
We started giving him the peanut butter combo at probably 12 weeks.



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