Wrigley and I really need help on this one. If I tell Wrigley to sit or put her in a down position and tell her to stay, as long as I don't move, she will stay for a long time. I can even take 2 steps, but EVERY time I take that 3rd step she pops up. I've tried starting over and just taking 2 steps and staying there for a long time, and she's fine, but as soon as I try to move further she breaks the stay. This is the only command that we really have problems with, and that's a problem b/c so many other commands hinge on this one. I hope I'm not the only one who has or has had problems with this. One other thing, how do I keep her when in a sit stay from going into a down stay? This may be something I need to worry about later down the road, I'm not sure. I don't want to get discouraged b/c I know she can do this! Please tell me there is a trick or method I can use.
I'm a little tired tonight--Geesh. I posted this in the main discussion area of this group by accident. It needs to be added somewhere in this dicussion.
Now to answer the Question: To Call A Dog from a Down/Stay--is taught in United Schutzhund Clubs -- Police Dog/German Shepard Dog Training ( I think that is the name of this dog club). They give the commands to many of these dogs in German also. We trained with Police Dogs so this is why the difference. This is how it is performed in Trails.
To Call A Dog from a Sit/Stay--AKC Standards Only
That is the difference in training methods. That's All. I just want the dog to COME when I call them :)
My trainer asked me tonight to use both methods. She stated the dog begins to anticipate your next command which defeats the idea that the dog is focusing on you / paying attention to you.
So, unless you are going after some certificate or trophy award, switch it up on the dogs to keep them interested and paying attention.
It is always a great idea to mix things up! It keeps the dog interested and thinking.
BTW......In AKC Open Obedience (CDX level) you do need to complete a recall from the "down" position during the Drop On Recall exercise. The dog is put into a sit. The handler leaves the dog and walks approx 40 ft across the ring. The judge signals the handler to call the dog and the dog should come at a brisk pace. When the dog is about 1/2 way across the ring, the judge signals the handler to drop the dog. The handler can give a verbal command or signal, but the dog must promptly drop to a full down position. From there, the dog and handler must wait until the judge signals the handler to once again call the dog. From the down position, the dog must come to front.