Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

For the last couple months Picco has refused to walk with me.  We never had any problems/scares/etc on walks to cause this. But now he won't go on walks around the neighborhood. I've now been driving a couple blocks away then sometimes he'll walk but it's hard to get him started and he'll stop during the walk and I have to coax him.  I've tried different leashes, different routes, different collars/harnesses, enticing with toys or treats (he's not food driven). I've tried dragging him down the driveway but I don't want to hurt him or make anything worse. There is nothing wrong physically with him - he plays ball in the park and will go out on our hikes (off-leash and with other dogs). He will go on neighborhood walks if my husband goes too but we have a little trouble getting him started - but he'll go.

Has anyone had this stubborn of a Doodle?  This is very frustrating!

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When Charlie was our only doodle, he would go on the walk but after about 15 minutes of walking, he would sit right down and look at me as if to say - "Hey lady, time up, we go back now!"  When we do get home, he wants to play ball - so I do not think he is tired by any means!  Since we got Beau (our second doodle), Charlie is a little better, but Charlie still walks slow and wants to check out every bush and meet every single person on the walk.  Beau on the other hand wants to just walk and walk.  I often walk them separately because it is so much more enjoyable, or just Beau and I will go walking and Charlie stays home and plays ball with DH.  I think Charlie really prefers to stay home and play ball or watch tv! LOL  Good luck with Picco changing - Charlie pretty much has the same laid back personality he had as a puppy and he is now 4.5!

I've actually taught my guys the heel command.  They know when I say the word "heel" that means we're going to move forward with a loose leash.  There is no stopping to smell or sit down.  I just keep right on walking and moving forward.  For a few minutes I may be pulling them, but they quickly get the idea.  It has never hurt them.  Murph is on a Gentle Leader and Guinness on a slip lead.  I don't coax them or say anything....I just keep moving.  Of course you need to know your dogs.  If they aren't feeling well or it's really hot and they signal me that they're "done" we stop and go home.  But when they're fine and there's every reason to walk....I just keep right on moving.

I teach heel, initially, by walking where I want to go when I feel like it in a big area, rather than sidewalks. They learn quickly it's better to walk along with me than be distracted.

Thanks all!  I could get him to continue by pulling him but that's when we are already into a walk, sometimes saying lets go home perks him up.  But trying to get him to even start a walk is the problems, he just sits and refuses to budge - he just doesn't want to go.  I'm sure if we walked with another dog he would go but none of my neighbors don't do that. Their poor dogs just hang out in their small backyards. 

I'm putting it out to my dog hiking friends that I would be willing to dog sit to see how Picco would react to another dog being around.  I've gone back and forth about a 2nd doodle maybe this can be my excuse.....but have to work on my husband!

I really think teaching the heel command would be so beneficial. 

He does know the command (not always obeys it) but this is something where he just refuses to budge.

Good morning! I have had this same, exact issue with my 15 month old doodle, Teddy- even brought him to the vet to see if anything physical was going on. Got a clean bill of health- the vet chalks it up to a combo of heat (we live in Charleston), maturing, maybe some fear, and being a touch overweight- he has periodic bouts with lethargy too. Sometimes just changing the direction we head out the door will help- for instance, he seems to have a problem with heading right on the sidewalk but, for now, is ok with left or across the street. The vet also mentioned that maybe he's had a bad experience somewhere in the neighborhood that left a lasting impression. I, like you, have also tried driving a few blocks away to see if that works- sometimes it does and I took him for a hike yesterday and he did fine. If he is treat driven, you might also try giving him a treat every now and then. Teddy is also very mouthy so sometimes letting him bring a 'buddy' on the walk helps too. I feel your frustration though- part of the reason I got a dog was for the built in exercise factor- doesn't work so well when the dog doesn't want to walk! ;) Good luck and let us know if you find something that works! least I'm not alone.  We live on a cul-de-sac in a very small neighborhood so there isn't much of an option. I've taken him on routes where we see animals - sheep, cows to bark at, and horses which he has been nose to nose with so our routes aren't exactly boring. I've always thought he enjoyed it.  I just don't get it!!

I'm new to this, but so far my pup is GREAT as long as I'm talking and saying his name. Any passerbys probably think I'm nuts, but it keeps him focused on me and then he wants to stay by me :) 

That works when we go on different surfaces but not is this case. He's quarky in that he gets cautions with patterned tile, shadows, different surfaces such as a wooden bridge but when we're out on dirt trails and hikes then nothing phases him!

Is that Roomba in your profile pic?  Post some more, he looks adorable!



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