Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

We started training 'stop' when Gavins first started leash walking.  Several times during walks I will give him lots of leash and allow him to drift ahead of me, then yell "stop" when he turns around to look I have him sit and follow with a reward. After working on this a bit, the stop command now produces a stop, turn back and sit. I then use the "come" command with lots of praise and a treat to bring him back to me. To reinforce during walks when we get to an intersection I say 'stop' for a stop and sit at each intersection.  Not sure if this would ever be the case, but my fantasy is that if he ever got away, he would automatically stop before crossing any road.  I have not tested him off leash with the 'stop' command recently, but I am going to now!
BTW this was just my own training idea - this is not an "established technique" that I know of, so input is welcome.

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Great idea. We have a wait command for stairs.  Our two older dogs would stop where ever they were in the house and freeze until I freed them.  The two doodles are still a work in progress.
I have been doing this with Stella, but have been using the "stay" command. I wonder if this is confusing for her (doesn't seem to be, she picked up on it pretty quick) Do you think it would be easy to transcend to "stop" or should I just leave it as is?
It's only confusing if you define it differently at different times.  Nancy's right...dogs don't understand what words mean until you define it.  If stay just means hold whatever position you're in and don't move from that position and your dog response whether it's walking or sitting or lying down...then that sounds fine.
Jodi, I do not think the word you use matters at all; it could be gibberish as long as it is your word and you are consistent.  We use German for Ned and English for Clancy.  I can tell you that Clancy does NOT speak German but Ned does seem to speak English.  Long story about why we use two languages, but I really like that we do.
My friend that has a dog guide commands him in Polish to increase the chances of him responding only to her and not to strangers.

Thanks BruceGirl.  I found this technique, and I like it.....

I like using Whoa (not sure why, maybe I just like the sound of it).  I'm not sure that I'd allow Murphy to actually get ahead of me when walking, because I never allow that now and I'm afraid he'd get confused.  It seems to make more sense (for the way I'm training Murph) to just say Whoa and stop.  When he stops, mark ("YES") and reward.  Then I would give a new heel command and again move forward with my left foot.  When I stop now, he does auto sit, so this would just involve introducing a new word.  I'd have to think more about how I'd transition him to this command off leash.

Yes I could see this being confusiing if you don't allow him to get in front.  We mostly loose leash walk so Gavin is allowed to wander a bit as long as the leash dosen't go tight.  I am pretty lazy at heeling right now - need to work on that again :)  Your link looks good.  Definitely like the whistle idea - another thing I have been meaning to work on :)  Spring is just around the corner right?

In our training time this morning, we worked on heeling which he did really well, (most of the time) I tried for the first time to introduce stop as I was letting him "off leash" he just turned around and looked at me. I love the idea of stop but I am pretty sure I am going to stick with recall. If he comes to me every time I call him, I will be happy. That should keep him safe. Once we have a more reliable recall. I may advance to stop. I just want him to be able to be safe.


I love how we can exchange ideas.. Pretty soon if I don't get my work done, I am not going to have an at home job and I will really have a lot of time on my hands.. I have to work and get off this site..

My issue is that Gavin is 1.5 years old and his recall with distractions is shakey to say the least.  But, I make him sit about on million times a day.  I use it as a "competing behaviour" for just about everything I don't want him to do.  Even under extreme excitement he reacts almost automatically to sit.  Stop and sit are well-linked now.  I for sure have a better chance of getting him to "stop and sit" rather than "come" at this point.  I am only 100% successful with recall if I can get him to think I am doing something way better than what he is.  So I do that by running the opposite direction or hiding behind a tree and having a party when he comes to find me.  Tough though when he has a squirrel treed and you are calling him from the back door to come in.  In those cases I don't even call him as I am guarenteed failure.  I let him be and call him when he is doing something less interesting or I go out and gather him up to bring him in.



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