How is everyone! What have you been doing? How is every one growing? I want to hear everything:)
------------------------------------------------------------------------- Giada
We all are about eight months old......can you believe? Giada went through a problem time, but is much better now. Her training is going very well, but as you all know we're not done yet.
She is still in her crate, and because of the chewing (which has improved)she will not be out of it until she's about 18 months, then she will be in our laundry room. I am ready for this transition because that crate is sure an eye sore in my kitchen.
Have no idea how much she weighs, but I'd guess about 50# ( that's on the high side of my guess).
We took her for the first time to the Dog Park in our area. I had never been. She loved it, but it is a drive for us and I didn't think it was as nice as I thought it would be:(
All in all things are great and she is such a DOLL!
Marley also has issues with chewing. She doesn't destroy anything while we sleep, so she gets free reign at night. During the day though her jaws go non-stop. We have gone through just about every chew toy to appease her and she destroys them within minutes. If you have any successful training techniques for this habit I would love to hear about them.
Giada is a chewer too...............a piece of our carpet and MANY flip flops on our deck. Nothing has worked for the flip flops:( We now have a bucket we keep them in.